John Knox

John Knox


John Knox


Mississippi Requiem
Elly's Father
A collection of four short films based on stories written by William Faulkner.
David y Goliat
La película se centra en la vida temprana de David que luchó contra el filisteo gigante, Goliat, contra cualquier pronóstico. El fiero guerrero Goliat se manda a encontrar a un rey pronosticado de los israelitas. Un joven pastor David se ve inmerso en una prosecución y la aventura épica lucha por su vida, la vida de sus seres queridos y, por último, la vida de su pueblo. La historia acaba en una batalla de proporciones bíblicas textuales entre el joven y el gigante mandado a él.
Love and Death in Los Angeles
After aborting his last assignment for moral reasons, a contract killer is given a second chance to prove his loyalty. But when he learns his mark is his girlfriend's husband, he finds himself battling the ultimate moral dilemma. With only 72 hours to fulfill the contract, he must find a way to save the innocent, and himself... but not everyone is as innocent as they seem.
August Rush: El triunfo de un sueño
Club Manager
Un joven guitarrista irlandés (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) y una violonchelista (Keri Russell) pasan una romántica e inolvidable noche de verano en Nueva York, pero el azar los separa. De su breve encuentro nace August (Freddie Highmore), un niño que, por un destino fatal, va a parar a un orfanato, donde pasa una dura infancia. Con sólo once años, se gana la vida como músico callejero, bajo la tutela de un siniestro y extraño personaje (Robin Williams) que trata de explotarlo. El niño pronto se revela como un músico genial, un nuevo Mozart, que se servirá de su talento para encontrar a sus padres.
Antes que el diablo sepa que has muerto
Desk Sergeant
Dos hermanos de clase burguesa se encuentran en una situación desesperada y necesitan conseguir dinero sea como sea: Andy (Philip Seymour Hoffman), un ambicioso ejecutivo adicto a la heroína le propone a su hermano Hank (Ethan Hawke), cuyo sueldo se va casi íntegramente en pagar la pensión de su ex mujer y su hija, dar un golpe perfecto: atracar la joyería que sus padres tienen en Wetchester (Nueva York). Nada de pistolas, nada de violencia, pero las circunstancias y el azar se conjugan para que nada salga según lo previsto.
El buen pastor
Technical Service Officer
Biografía de James Wilson, entre 1930 y 1960. Graduado en la Universidad de Yale, acabó siendo uno de los fundadores de la CIA. Se supone que el personaje se basa en el legendario y astuto jefe de inteligencia James Jesús Angleton.
Darkest Hour
Several years ago, a sleepy Pacific Northwest town was terrorized by a skull-faced maniac with a thirst for blood. It seemed no man, woman or child was safe from the North Bend Reaper, a crafty serial killer who became infamous for stealing patches of clothing from his bloodied victims. Despite a massive manhunt, the Reaper was never found. Fast forward to the present - a group of actors try to cash in on the town's notoriety by hosting an interactive murder mystery party based on the unsolved killings. After isolating their guests at an abandoned summer camp, they come to the terrifying conclusion that someone in their midst is killing them off one by one. Has someone chosen to continue the North Bend Reaper's bloody legacy? Or has the Reaper himself come back for one last dance with death?
ER Guard
Ben es un joven que lo tiene todo y cuyo mayor sueño es poder llegar a nadar en las Olimpiadas. Sin embargo, su vida perfecta cambiará cuando, tras tener una pequeña aventura con una chica explosiva recién llegada, ésta no dejará de perseguirle, a pesar de que él tiene novia y le deja claro que no quiere tener ninguna relación.
Raising the Heights
When a perfect storm breeds violence in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Crown Heights, a black teenager and a Jewish reporter face pivotal choices that could alter the course of their lives.
Psycho Sisters
Dr. Lawrence
Mean and domineering Jane and the sweet and ditsy Jackie are two radically contrasting sisters who suffer from severe trauma after witnessing the murder/suicide of their parents as well as seeing their other sibling Janice raped and killed by her assailants. The pair are deemed fit to re-enter society and get released from a sanitarium where they have undergone extensive rehabilitation therapy. However, Jane and Jackie prove to be anything but sane and harmless as they embark on a vicious spree in which they torture, murder, and mutilate any man luckless enough to cross their lethal paths.
Vampire Vixens from Venus
Jack Meov
Hideous in their original form, four alien drug smugglers transform into beautiful women on Earth. The drug is derived from draining the “life essence” from men. Hot on their trail are both the local police and intergalactic DEA. Packed with eye-popping state-of-the-art special effects and stereo sound, VAMPIRE VIXENS FROM VENUS is a sexy, funny, sci-fi thriller.