James Kenney

James Kenney

Nacimiento : 1930-07-20,

Muerte : 1982-01-15


James Kenney


Ambush in Leopard Street
A retired thief reforms a gang for one final heist, everything seems to be going smoothly until complications start to arise
Hidden Homicide
Oswald Castellan
A novelist wakes up with a gun in his hand and a corpse in the house he woke up in. He doesn't remember how he got there or even if he committed the killing.
Seven Thunders
Eric Triebel
Escaping British prisoners of war hide out in German occupied France.
The Gelignite Gang
Chris Chapman
A tense thriller that tears the lid off Soho's underworld and reveals the cunning organization behind a gang of safe-breakers who will stop at nothing, not even murder, to achieve their goals.
Un médico en la marina
El joven médico Simon Sparrow (Dirk Bogarde) ejerce su profesión en “El Loto”, un buque de carga dirigido por el autoritario y borrachín Capitán Hogg. Allí conoce a los personajes más excéntricos y se ve involucrado en situaciones bastante embarazosas. Cuando en Río ve a Hélène Colbert (Brigitte Bardot), una joven y atractiva cantante francesa, cae rendido a sus pies.
Operación Tirpitz
II Guerra Mundial. La marina de guerra británica se encuentra amenazada por el acorazado alemán Tirpitz. Con una gran potencia de fuego, sobretodo sus ochos cañones de 381 milímetros con alcance de hasta 34 kilómetros, este acorazado podría acabar fácilmente con sus líneas de suministros marítimos, siendo este un riesgo que Inglaterra no puede consentir. Resguardado en el fiordo de Trondheim, Noruega, es imposible atacarlo con una oportunidad de éxito. Pero el Comandante Fraser (John Mills) propone un ingenioso y arriesgado plan. Su idea consiste en llegar a Trondheim camuflados con un pesquero noruego y una vez próximos al objetivo usar tres submarinos de bolsillo experimentales que deberán depositar bajo su casco varias cargas explosivas subacuáticas.
The Love Match
Percy Brown
After being arrested for assaulting a football referee, desperate train driver Bill (Arthur Askey) raids the railwaymen's holiday fund to cover his £55 fine. He knows he's going to be discovered though, leaving him no choice but to get the money back by hook or by crook! His last chance is to run a book on the United v City football derby. If that wasn't tense enough, Bill's son is also making his debut for United. It looks like it's going to be a day to remember - do you dare look? ...The Love Match.
The Sea Shall Not Have Them
Cpl. Skinner
During autumn of 1944, an RAF Hudson carrying a VIP passenger in possession of highly secret information is shot down and ditches in the North Sea. Fighting the elements and trying to keep up morale, the occupants of the aircraft's dinghy talk about their lives awaiting the rescue they hope will come. The film's title reflects the motto of the RAF's Air Sea Rescue Service, one of whose high speed launches battles against its own mechanical problems, enemy action, time and the weather to locate and rescue the downed crew and the vital secret papers they carry.
Los buenos mueren jóvenes
Dave, Angela's Brother
La película es un thriller desde sus inicios ya que sus títulos de crédito, cuatro hombres en un coche por las calles de Londres, cuatro hombres entregados a una misma causa, el robo a un furgón correo que transporta una gran suma de dinero. Cuatro hombres sin atencedentes criminales en sus espaldas, cada uno con una vida diferente al otro: un boxeador, un aviador, un funcionario y por último un desahogado con tiempo ilimitado para el ocio.
Cosh Boy
Roy Walsh
Una banda de delincuentes juveniles se dedica a atracar ancianas, pero uno de ellos empieza a cometer delitos cada vez más graves.
The Magic Box
Kenneth Friese-Greene
Now old, ill, poor, and largely forgotten, William Freise-Greene was once very different. As young and handsome William Green he changed his name to include his first wife's so that it sounded more impressive for the photographic portrait work he was so good at. But he was also an inventor and his search for a way to project moving pictures became an obsession that ultimately changed the life of all those he loved.
The Gentle Gunman
Johnny Fagan
The relationship between brothers Terry and Matt, both active in the IRA, comes under strain when Terry begins to question the use of violence.
Desterrado de las islas
Prestigiosa adaptación de una novela de Joseph Conrad sobre un aventurero desesperado que vive en una isla malaya, donde desarrolla una actividad criminal. Finalmente, será víctima de una auténtica cacería humana.
El hidalgo de los mares
Midshipman Longley
En el siglo XIX, el capitán inglés Horatio Hornblower atraviesa el Atlántico con su barco para ayudar a un enloquecido dictador centroamericano.
The Guinea Pig
A working-class boy wins a scholarship to a public school, as part of a post-World War Two experiment in bringing boys of different social classes together.
Vice Versa
Businessman Paul Bultitude is sending his son Dick to a boarding school. While holding a magic stone from India, he wishes that he could be young again. His wish is immediately fulfilled and the two change bodies with each other. Mr Bultitude becomes a school boy who smokes cigars and has a very conservative view on child upbringing, while his son Dick becomes a gentleman who spends his time drinking lemonade and arranging children's parties.