Bus Riley

Bus Riley


Bus Riley


Navidad de golpe
Chestnut Vendor
Tras perder la memoria en un accidente de esquí, una heredera mimada acaba al cuidado de un viudo sin suerte y su hija durante las Navidades.
History Teacher
Cosas extrañas comienzan a suceder en casa de los Graham tras la muerte de la abuela y matriarca, que deja en herencia su casa a su hija Annie. Annie Graham, una galerista casada y con dos hijos, no tuvo una infancia demasiado feliz junto a su madre, y cree que la muerte de ésta puede hacer que pase página. Pero todo se complica cuando su hija menor comienza a ver figuras fantasmales, que también empiezan a aparecer ante su hermano.
Civil Love
Doc Porter
Rachel is a widow during the Civil War who holds the South responsible for her husband's death. When a wounded enemy soldier takes refuge in her barn, Rachel reluctantly helps him. As she gets to know him more, she realizes she must protect him from the dangerous men pursuing him, and discovers a courage she didn't know she had - the courage to love again.
Christmas Oranges
Doc Cronin
In a town not so far away and a time not so long ago, baby Rose was left on the porch of Greenwoods Orphanage, where Mrs. Hartley and the children under her tender care become her family. But when tragedy strikes, Rose loses the only home she has ever known and she is abruptly shipped to Irongates—a place that seems as cold and cruel as her previous home was kind. Strict headmaster Mr. Crampton immediately seems to dislike Rose and makes sure she and the other children are punished for any minor infraction of his rules. Rose soon makes friends with Emily, but in spite of her gentle and forgiving nature, some of the children will take any chance they can to get her into trouble. When she learns that every Christmas Mr. Crampton’s generous brother gives an orange to each child, Rose waits in eager anticipation.
Once Upon a Summer
Grandpa Floyd
Hace años atrás estas primas y mejores amigas inseparables, crean aventuras que durarían toda la vida.
The Sinking of Santa Isabel
Mr. Clark
With no job and no relationship -- and no prospects for either -- twentysomething Webster (Maclain Nelson) opts to start over. He heads to his childhood home and climbs up a tree, where he plans to stay the entire summer in a house of his own creation. Not surprisingly, Webster captures the attention of his neighbors, who soon find that they have a stake in his mission as well.
Brigham City
Wes Clayton es un representante de la ley y un obispo en una comunidad mormona llamada Brigham. La ciudad es sacudida cuando se encuentra una mujer de California asesinado. Clayton trabaja con su joven ayudante y con un agente del FBI enviada a investigar. Como líder civil y espiritual en el pueblo, Clayton debe descubrir los secretos más profundos de la ciudad, encontrar al asesino y mantener Brigham a salvo.