Set in a Yorkshire milltown in 1957, Ellen Hardy is unhappily married but is close to her ten-year-old son, Victor. The family has recently moved house and Victor has started at a new school where Ellen has become friendly with his teacher, Kathy Thompson, who is keen to encourage him at art. As the friendship between the two women grows, Ellen's millworker husband, Hardy, feels increasingly alienated at home.
Inglaterra, II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Un decadente actor shakesperiano y su ayudante mantienen una extraña relación que oscila entre la devoción y el resentimiento. El actor, entregado en cuerpo y alma a su profesión, vive obsesionado por mantener en pie su compañía pese a todas las dificultades. Su ayudante, que es también un apasionado del teatro, vive a merced de las delirantes exigencias del actor. Los bombardeos alemanes contra Inglaterra sirven de telón de fondo a esta historia.
The true story of a strike in 1970 by female textile-factory workers in Leeds who wanted to be paid the same as their male colleagues, but whose efforts were undermined by the trade union that they belonged to.