Rainer Baumert


Love Parade: When Love Learned to Dance
Production Manager
At the end of the Cold War, something new arised that should influence an entire generation and express their attitude to life. It started with an idea in the underground subculture of Berlin shortly before the fall of the Wall. With the motto "Peace, Joy, Pancakes", Club DJ Dr. Motte and companions launched the first Love Parade. A procession registered as political demonstration with only 150 colorfully dressed people dancing to house and techno. What started out small developed over the years into the largest party on the planet with visitors from all over the world. In 1999, 1.5 million people took part. With the help of interviews with important organizers and contemporary witnesses, the documentary reflects the history of the Love Parade, but also illuminates the dark side of how commerce and money business increasingly destroyed the real spirit, long before the emigration to other cities and the Love Parade disaster of Duisburg in 2010, which caused an era to end in deep grief.
Bellini and Mantegna: Renaissance Rivals
Production Manager
The mysterious parallel story of Italian painters Andrea Mantegna (ca. 1431-1506) and Giovanni Bellini (ca. 1435-1516), brothers-in-law, public rivals and masters of the early Renaissance.
El alma dividida de América
Production Manager
Bajo la administración del presidente republicano Donald Trump, Estados Unidos de América es un país profundamente dividido: un lado alimenta el populismo y la rectitud religiosa en un paisaje monocromático, pintado de blanco, lamentando un pasado que nunca volverá; el otro lado alimenta la diversidad y el multiculturalismo, una visión sesgada de un futuro progresista, bastante improbable. Ambas partes se enfrentan constantemente, sin escucharse mutuamente. Solo unas pocas personas razonables se reúnen para cambiar esta situación potencialmente peligrosa.
In Amazon We Trust
Production Director
Amazon has become one of the most powerful corporations in the world, and only the second company ever to be valued over US$1 trillion. This film investigates its strategies, inner workings and ideologies and asks whether the services that we have become so dependent on could eventually cost us our hard won freedoms, and how one of the world’s most trusted brands has influenced our individual behaviour, labour force and culture.
DJ Punk: The Photographer Daniel Josefsohn
Production Manager
Nobody captured the atmosphere of 1990s Berlin better than German photographer Daniel Josefsohn, who died in 2016 at the age of 54, leaving his mark in advertising with his irreverent aesthetic and punk sensibility. It was his spontaneous, imperfect images shot for an MTV campaign in 1994 that first made him famous.
Berlin's Treasure Trove
Production Manager
Berlin’s Museum Island, the cultural center of the German capital on the Spree river, houses a large number of art pieces from all over the globe, from the Stone Age to the present day. A walk through their great institutions to marvel at their masterpieces.
100 Years of the UFA
Production Director
The intricate history of UFA, a film production company founded in 1917 that has survived the Weimar Republic, the Nazi regime, the Adenauer era and the many and tumultuous events of contemporary Germany, and has always been the epicenter of the German film industry.
Black Holes: Messages from the Edge of the Universe
Production Director
Es el nacimiento de la astronomía de neutrinos. Por primera vez, los astrofísicos han podido probar neutrinos fuera de la galaxia: "Ernie & Bert" han aterrizado en el hielo del Polo Sur. Los científicos han descubierto sus huellas con un detector gigantesco. Los neutrinos son las partículas elementales más comunes y las más misteriosas. Debido a que estas partículas son invisibles para nosotros, casi no tienen masa, no están cargadas y rara vez interactúan con otra materia. Pero para los científicos, cada uno de los pequeños neutrinos es un mensajero potencial que lleva información directa sobre su lugar de origen en el espacio.
Java in Jeopardy - Exploring the Volcano
Production Manager
Scientists regard it as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. Time and again, Merapi, the Fire Mountain of Java in Indonesia, has proved its deadly potential. The risk of another serious eruption is high and could even have global consequences. Now scientists are looking at a mysterious tectonic disturbance: a crack that has suddenly wound its way through the center of the volcano.
Zentralasiens Kampf ums Wasser
Production Director
This Ain't California
Production Manager
A retrospective look at the youth cultures born in the German Democratic Republic. A celebration of the lust for life, a contemporary trip into the world of skate, a tale on three heroes and their boards, from their childhood in the seventies, through their teenage rebellion in the eighties and the summer of 1989, when their life changed forever, to 2011.
Production Manager
A knife in the pocket, adrenaline in the blood and only one dream in mind: to be a gangster - and the biggest one at that. Yehya was 15 years old and close to realizing his dream when he met the filmmaker Christian Stahl in the stairwell. Yehya wasn't just the nice boy from next door, he was also "the Boss of Sonnenallee" - one of the gangster runners of the Berlin borough of Neukölln. And gangster runners want to make it in the gangster world. In the eyes of the authorities, he is an "intensive offender"; in his own eyes, Yehya is "one of the top ten of Neukölln. I got my own prosecutor!"