Aleksandar Gruzinskiy

Aleksandar Gruzinskiy

Nacimiento : 1899-06-23, Moscow, Russian Empire

Muerte : 1968-12-09


Alexander P. Gruzinskiy (1899-1968) — Soviet film and theater actor. People's artist of the RSFSR (1949).


Aleksandar Gruzinskiy


Voyna i mir III: 1812 god
En 1812, el ejército de Napoleón invade Rusia. Kutuzov le pide a Bolkonsky que se una a él como oficial de estado mayor, pero el príncipe solicita un comando en el campo. Pierre se dispone a observar el próximo enfrentamiento entre los ejércitos. Durante la Batalla de Borodino, se ofrece como voluntario para ayudar en una batería de artillería. La unidad de Bolkonsky espera en la reserva, pero es alcanzada por un proyectil. Tanto Anatol como Bolkosnky sufren heridas graves. El ejército francés sale victorioso y avanza sobre Moscú.
A Royal Regatta
Gervasiy Fedoseyevich
The student rowing team of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) was defeated in the competition. The coach drops the team and leaves, taking the best rowers with him. The remaining athletes decide to assemble a new team, and the management of the institute appoints a new coach for them — a teacher of hydrodynamics.
The Ugly Story
Based on a satirical short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky concerning the escapades of a Russian civil servant.
Guerra y paz
Campaña napoleónica de 1812. Rusia contempla el implacable avance de las tropas napoleónicas hacia sus fronteras. La idílica vida de los miembros de la alta sociedad (el príncipe Andréi Bolkonsky, el soñador e idealista Pierre Bezukhov o la joven Natacha Rostova) sufrirá un dramático cambio. Antes, los aristócratas, la gente corriente y los siervos vivían en mundos completamente diferentes. Ahora, la necesidad de defender la patria los ha convertido en compañeros de armas.
The Stars of the Day
A female poet and author faces the harsh realities of a besieged Leningrad. Based on Olga Berggolts' memoir of the same name.
Eugénie Grandet
Eugénie Grandet is set in the town of Saumur. Eugénie's father Felix is a former cooper who has become wealthy through both business ventures and inheritance (having inherited the estates of his mother-in-law, grandfather-in-law, and grandmother all in one year). However, he is very miserly, and he, his wife, daughter, and their servant Nanon live in a run-down old house which he is too miserly to repair. His banker des Grassins wants Eugénie to marry his son Adolphe, and his lawyer Cruchot wants Eugénie to marry his nephew President Cruchot des Bonfons, both parties eyeing the inheritance from Felix. The two families constantly visit the Grandets to get Felix's favour, and Felix in turn plays them off against each other for his own advantage.
The Golden Antelope
Serviteur (voix)
It is a screen version of an Indian national fairy tale. Malicious and greedy rajah wishes to get a wonderful antelope who strikes gold coins by hoofs. The country boy rescues an antelope, but rajah, threatening the boy, compels the antelope to serve him but he is severely punished for it.
My Universities
My Universities (Moi universiteti) is the last installment of Russian director Mark Donskoy's "Maxim Gorki" trilogy. Having endured a painful youth in My Childhood and a torturous sojourn as a serf in My Apprenticeship, future writer Gorki reaches maturity with an insatiable desire for personal and artistic freedom. The "university" of the title is actual the school of Hard Knocks, as Gorky goes to work in the shipyards and commisserates with the hard-drinking, philosophical dockworkers.
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