Serial Killer
Paura is a project written and directed by Tommaso Ottomano jointly with CAM Sugar. It is composed of two more short films.
Investor 1
A brilliant young CEO from London contemplates the possibility of selling his invention to a mysterious Chinese billionaire. Before actually meeting his potential investor however our protagonist must face a number of challenges in the form of journeys, riddles and the exchange of clothes.
Grigorij Efimovic Rasputin (1869-1916) the mystic and self-proclaimed holy man. The saint-demon and the simple peasant. About the plot against Rasputin, hated and feared at the highest levels of government because of his surreal influence on the Tsar.
A Young soldier returning from Iraq goes on a high mountain adventure in a desolate place in Europe to forget his past, he will lear truth in a mysterious local legend discovering that reality can be sicker than nightmares.
Pilota inglese
Fortunato, un camionero desencantado y un poco canalla que, durante muchos años, ha transportado Ferraris robados a los Emiratos Árabes, emprende el último viaje, pues ya es hora de que lo releve el joven Marcello, que trabaja desde hace pocos meses en su empresa. Giulio, un dentista de cincuenta años, sufre el lastre de un matrimonio fracasado que lo ha sumido en la depresión. Debe asistir a una conferencia en San Petersburgo en la que no desea participar, pero su colega y amigo Fausto es inflexible: Rusia es el país del sexo fácil y una semana allí es mejor que un año de psicoanálisis.
Il Macellaio