Matthew C. Martino

Nacimiento : 1992-10-27, Harare, Zimbabwe


Matthew C. Martino is a film and television series producer based in Essex, England.


The Boyfriend
Lily is a young woman stuck in a violent relationship with James whom she no longer loves. After several years of physical abuse, Lily has now become a silent and obedient victim who’s everyday task is to please James and submit to his demands and authority in order to save herself. Lily’s true love is Zac, a past boyfriend who has started to spend a lot of time around the couple and begins to question Lily’s injuries before discovering the truth.
Ortega and his enemies
Line Producer
An anger management patient John gets his world torn apart when he can not manage his fiancé's adversaries. He is determined to prove himself to be the right man to marry Sara but the pressure from other candidates who had unhealthy interest in Sara takes it's toll. With deceit, brutality and police chase, John soon realises, he cannot marry Sara and remain in the country to face what was coming to him.
Dom Hemingway
Dom Hemingway tiene muchos defectos, pero entre ellos no está el de ser un chivato, eso está claro. Tras pasar 12 años en la cárcel por no delatar a los jefes de una banda criminal, Dom sale por fin en libertad. Pero hay otro defecto que Dom no tiene: él no es tonto, y no ha pasado tanto tiempo entre rejas para quedarse con las manos vacías. Nada más poner el pie en la calles de Londres después de todo ese tiempo encerrado, Dom va puerta a puerta reclamando lo que cree que se merece por lo haber delatado a los criminales.
Green Street Hooligans: Underground
GSE Firm Member
Cuando Danny conoce la noticia de que su hermano menor, Joey fue asesinado en una pelea ilegal. Danny decide que la única manera de averiguar quién es el culpable, es una vez más tomar el liderazgo en la “Green Street Elite” y participar en esas peleas.
Trading Models
Executive Consultant
Many people travel for enjoyment; Dastin Kurdish travelled to survive! Escaping the tyranny of Iraq, he settled in London. By day, Dastin worked in a steel foundry; by night, he can be spotted in his taxi waiting for the nightclubs to close. This way of life was normal for Dastin. The only thing missing was his family. When his sister, Suzan, arrives in London, Dastin feels a joy that he hasn’t felt for a long time. She informs him that she has a modelling job, which she found online. Rightly sceptical, Dastin is protective of his little sister. Accusing him of being too overbearing, she leaves for her new ‘job’. Once there, Suzan’s dreams of being a supermodel are quickly dashed as she stumbles into a people trafficking ring, led by a group of Eastern European gangsters. A distressing voicemail from Suzan, leads Dastin on a one-man mission to save his sister, but what he finds is something far worse.
Una cuestión de tiempo
Commuter (uncredited)
La trama de la película gira en torno a un joven llamado Tim Lake. El protagonista y su familia tienen el curioso don de poder viajar a través del tiempo. Al descubrir esta cualidad, Tim empieza a beneficiarse de ello para cambiar diferentes aspectos de su vida. Se enamora de una chica, Mary, a la que conoce tras transladarse a vivir a Londres por motivos de trabajo. Su historia de amor se verá beneficiada gracias al don de Tim, sin embargo, el protagonista no tardará en darse cuenta de que su habilidad no es capaz de ampararle en algunos problemas y cuestiones familiares.
Forget The Pact
Sara wants her school mate Frankie to become her lover. She is willing to do whatever it take to get him under her bosom but she has to get through Lee.
Little Devil
Keenan (The Straight Boy)
A troublesome, disabled fag hag absconds to London to find love and opportunity. But life deals her some unexpected twists when she winds up peddling drugs to the queer community and forms an unorthodox relationship with a washed-up gay male escort.
Never Change
Recently released from prison, Jason's (J Strap) return to the outside world also sees him revert back to his old self. At one point, it seems his best friend Calvin has got him back on track by assisting him in finding a job and trying to keep him out of trouble. However, violence is always at Jason's fingertips. Jason's girlfriend Anna supports him through it all but does she hold on until the end ?
Never Change
Executive Producer
Recently released from prison, Jason's (J Strap) return to the outside world also sees him revert back to his old self. At one point, it seems his best friend Calvin has got him back on track by assisting him in finding a job and trying to keep him out of trouble. However, violence is always at Jason's fingertips. Jason's girlfriend Anna supports him through it all but does she hold on until the end ?