Ernie Alexander

Nacimiento : 1890-02-11, Wichita, Kansas, USA

Muerte : 1961-12-12


Fábulas Disney - Vol.6
Baby Weems' Father (voice)
Dos cortos de animación clásicos de los estudios de Disney. En 'El Dragón Chiflado' (1941), un jovencito y un famoso luchador de dragones se unen para enseñar a un dragón dócil el arte de ser una fuerza a tener en cuenta. En 'Mickey y las Judías Mágicas' (1947), Mickey Mouse, Goofy y Donald Duck enfrentan al temible Willie the Giant para intentar recuperar el arpa de canto mágico a Happy Valley.
Swing Fever
Concessionaire (uncredited)
Un ambicioso compositor de musicales, dotado de un mal de ojo hipnótico, se ve mezclado en la promoción de un boxeador.
Swing Shift Maisie
Dopey Caller (Uncredited)
Street-smart Maisie from Brooklyn lands a job at an airplane assembly plant during WWII and falls in love with handsome pilot "Breezy" McLaughlin. Breezy, however, falling in love with and getting engaged to Maisie's conniving roommate Iris, doesn't realize she's using him and it's up to Maisie to convince him.
La Dubarry era una dama
Delivery Man with Flowers
Un tipo adinerado se enamora de la artista de un club nocturno, que a su vez ama a un bailarín. Ante el dilema de casarse por dinero o por amor, ella opta por lo primero. Pero el millonario sufre un accidente, y sueña que se encuentra en la época de Luis XV, y que él es monarca que persigue a madame Du Barry, que, claro está, tiene el rostro de su amada. Simpática comedia musical rodada en technicolor, que combina la época actual con de la Francia cortesana. Cuenta con buenos trabajos de Lucille Ball y Gene Kelly, éste cantando los temas musicales "Do I Love You" y "Song of the Rebellion".
Trifles That Win Wars
Billiard Ball Tester (uncredited)
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short looks at how a few specific inventions made a major contribution to the U.S. war effort.
All by Myself
Career woman Jean. almost a partner in Mark's advertising firm, has been falling in love with Mark, who of course is unaware of it. But unknown to Jean, Mark has become engaged to singer Val. When Jean finds out she tries to save face by saying that she is also engaged, and then uses a little social blackmail to get psychiatrist Bill Perry to pretend to be her fiancé for an evening out with Mark and Val.
Wounded Soldier
Después de la invasión de las islas Filipinas por tropas japonesas, los Estados Unidos intentan recuperarlas. Trece soldados defienden con sus vidas una posición estratégica en la península de Bataan, último baluarte de la resistencia norteamericana frente a Japón.
Who's Superstitious?
Man Walking Under Ladder
This short film examines the origins of several superstitions including crossing your fingers, knocking on wood, rabbit's feet, and breaking champagne bottles to christen ships, plus the role of superstitions in the Flying Dutchman tale.
Por mí y por mi chica
Theater Workman with Big Die (uncredited)
Una pareja de bailarines trata de hacerse un hueco en Broadway poco antes de estallar la Primera Guerra Mundial.
You Can't Escape Forever
Roy - Bridegroom (uncredited)
A demoted reporter (George Brent) and his girlfriend (Brenda Marshall) seek to expose a crime kingpin.
Fingers at the Window
Reporter (uncredited)
In Chicago, an unemployed actor aims to solve the mystery concerning a string of ax murders, apparently committed by a lunatic.
Nazi Agent
Sailor (uncredited)
Humble stamp dealer Otto Becker has little to do with international politics, so when he receives a surprise visit from his estranged twin brother and Nazi spy, Baron Hugo von Detner, his world is thrown into turmoil. Threatening Becker with deportation, Hugo forces him to use his shop as a front for espionage.
Joe Smith, American
Aircraft Plant Worker (uncredited)
Joe Smith es el típico americano medio. Trabaja para una fábrica de aviones donde se está construyendo un nuevo bombardero. Este proyecto provoca que Joe sea secuestrado por agentes enemigos. Pero Joe Smith resulta ser todo un héroe americano, pues no sólo no dice nada de lo que sabe, sino que posteriormente ayuda a la policía en su investigación para detener a los secuestradores.
Brooklyn Orchid
Taxi Driver
Two taxi-fleet operators rescue a girl and she follows them to a mountain resort.
This Woman Is Mine
Three seafaring fur traders fall in love with a female stowaway they discover aboard their ship. Many adventures follow.
Golden Hoofs
A teenage horse trainer fears she'll lose her beloved horses when the stables where she works is sold.
Dr. Kildare's Crisis
Assistant Bed Salesman
Jimmy Kildare's impending nuptials are jeopardized by a diagnosis of possible epilepsy in his fiancee's brother.
Little Nellie Kelly
Expectant Father (uncredited)
La joven irlandesa Nellie se enamora de Jerry, un guapo muchacho, pero sus padres se oponen a la relación. Ambos deciden casarse y mudarse a Nueva York.
Third Finger, Left Hand
Man at Railroad Station
Margot (Myrna Loy), la editora de una glamurosa revista femenina, para evitar el continuo asedio de sus colegas masculinos y la cólera de sus celosas esposas, decide ponerse un anillo de oro en el tercer dedo de la mano izquierda, haciendo ver que está casada. Todo se complica cuando el artista Jeff Thompson (Melvyn Douglas), harto de sus continuos fracasos con Margot, decide fingir ante todo el mundo ser su marido, que se creía desaparecido hace mucho tiempo.
The Villain Still Pursued Her
Drunk (uncredited)
Victorian melodrama gets a big send-up in this spoof production of the old play "The Drunkard; or, The Fallen Saved." The play within the movie is the old one where evil villain Cribbs schemes to get his lusty clutches on the heroine by driving her naive husband to alcoholic ruin. Luckily, a temperance lecturer is on hand to set things straight, as is the great Buster Keaton as the drunkard's friend.
Young People
Young Fellow
Los padres de Wendy Ballantine deciden retirarse del negocio del espectáculo para que pueda tener una vida normal. No son bienvenidos en la pequeña ciudad hasta que una tormenta le permite a la familia mostrar sus cosas.
The Golden Fleecing
Clerk (uncredited)
A mild-mannered insurance salesman gets mixed up with gangsters.
We Who Are Young
Expectant Father (uncredited)
Cuando se casa, un hombre contraviene la política de su empresa.
Marinos a la fuerza
El malogrado Oliver trabaja desde hace tiempo en una factoría de bocinas. Tal trabajo le está costando la salud, ya que padece una extraña excitación que se convierte en delirio cada vez que suena, junto a sus oídos, una trompa o algo parecido. El médico que ha visitado para acabar con su afección le ha recomendado dos cosas: realizar un viaje largo para relajar los nervios y beber leche de cabra para mejorar su estado. Al conocer el estado de Oliver, su inseparable amigo, Stan le comenta que no es necesario realizar una gran travesía para disfrutar del aire marino, y le propone alquilar una pequeña embarcación del muelle. Oli acepta y Stan consigue una cochambrosa barca por cuatro cuartos. Junto a la pareja de amigos, viajan una entrañable cabra que le proporcionará leche a Oliver y un inesperado polizonte, un peligroso asesino que se acaba de fugar de la cárcel
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk
A man involved in a crime (Nolan) kills his key witness by mistake and resigns himself to death. He changes his name so as not to harm his family. The law is not content with his explanation, however.
Judge Hardy and Son
Court Clerk (uncredited)
El juez Hardy intenta localizar a un pariente de una pareja de edad avanzada, con el fin de impedir que pierdan su hogar. Para ello, recaba la ayuda de su hijo Andy.
Nick Carter, Master Detective
Factory Workman
Detective Nick Carter is brought in to foil spies at the Radex Airplane Factory, where a new fighter plane is under manufacture.
Los violentos años veinte
Bootleg Customer (uncredited)
Estados Unidos, Ley Seca, años 20. Relato sobre los diferentes caminos que siguen tres veteranos que se conocen durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Cuando regresan a América tras luchar por su país, tropiezan con el problema del desempleo y con grandes difícultades económicas. Uno de ellos (Lynn) seguirá con decisión el buen camino; otro (Cagney), amargado por la falta de futuro, no encuentra más salida que el contrabando ilegal de licor; el tercero (Bogart) se convierte en un implacable gángster.
The Housekeeper's Daughter
Taxicab Driver
A mobster's moll leads a newsman, cub reporter and photographer to a scoop.
Fast and Furious
Singer at Party (uncredited)
Joel & Garda Sloan, a husband and wife detective team, who also sell rare books in New York, take a vacation to Seaside City. At Seaside, Joel's pal, Mike Stevens is managing and preparing for their beauty pageant. Joel is made one of the judges plus he has invested $5,000 in it, to Garda's dismay. Eric Bartell, promoter, arrives to dupe Stevens. When Ed Connors, New York racketeer arrives, Bartell is mysteriously murdered. Joel and Garda set out to investigate the murder.
These Glamour Girls
Parking Attendant (uncredited)
Un estudiante universitario borracho invita a una chica al gran baile, pero luego olvida que se lo pidió. Cuando ella se presenta en la universidad, él trata de deshacerse de ella, pero la chica no se marcha, se mantiene en sus trece y se deja ver con él ante sus presumidos compañeros de clase.
News Is Made at Night
Newspaper editor (Foster) will do almost anything to increase circulation. He campaigns to free a condemned man while accusing a wealthy ex-criminal of a string of murders.
Second Fiddle
Un publicista (Power) conoce en Minnesota a una gran profesora de patinaje(Henie) a la que quiere llevar a Hollywood para que adquiera más fama. Finalmente ella decidirá regresar a su pueblo seguida del amor que el siente hacia ella.
Stronger Than Desire
Reporter (uncredited)
An attorney handling a murder case in unaware his own wife played a crucial role in the killing.
Tell No Tales
Johnny - Reporter (uncredited)
Michael Cassidy es el editor de un pequeño periódico que está a punto de ser cerrado. El nuevo propietario, Matthew Cooper, dueño de otro periódico de la ciudad, sólo lo ha comprado para deshacerse de la competencia
The Girl from Mexico
Man Throwing Confetti
Carmelita Fuentes is a fiery-Latin singer/dancer in Mexico City who has designs on Dennis Lindsay, an American publicity agent, for unclear reasons, while Lindsay's shiftless uncle Matthew Lindsay aids and abets her every step of the way to the marriage altar.
Mandrake the Magician
Mandrake and his team attempt to prevent "The Wasp" from stealing and using a new Radium invention.
Se llevó mi corazón
Photographer (uncredited)
Hale y Jimmy Seymour son una pareja que trabaja en en pequeños clubes nocturnos con la esperanza de tener éxito. Una noche, Larry Bryant (un productor de Broadway) ve a Mary y se enamora de su belleza y su voz. Larry Bryant le pide que haga una audición para el Sr. Collier y que Jimmy la acompañe. Después de escuchar a Mary, Collier quiere que Mary esté en su show. Jimmy anima a una Mary reacia a seguir el camino sin él.
Sergeant Madden
Reporter at Hospital
A dedicated police officer is torn between family and duty when his son turns to a life of crime.
Submarine Patrol
Warship Sailor
Durante la I Guerra Mundial, y tras cometer una negligencia, un oficial naval es destinado a un viejo submarino. Ansioso por redimirse ante sus superiores, pondrá todo su empeño en convertir a la desastrosa y conflictiva tripulación en un perfecto equipo de combate.
How to Watch Football
Program vendor
Humorist Robert Benchley illustrates the fine points of attending an American football game.
Crashing Through Danger
One of Carl's Friends
Three electrical linemen work through the hazardous conditions of the Depression Era. Sparks fly, and things become truly dangerous, when Ann comes between this band of brothers. Things get worse, after they move in together, following the death of her father, their supervisor, "Pop" Foster, from an industrial accident.
Hold That Kiss
Mickey - Maurice's Chauffeur
Nace el amor entre un hombre y una mujer cuando ambos piensan que el otro es rico.
Walking Down Broadway
Five closely knit showgirls sign a pact to reunite one year after the closing of their Broadway production, but the lives of all five take many different turns, often for the worse.
Love Is a Headache
Reporter Johnson (uncredited)
Charlotte, más conocida como Charlie, es una actriz de teatro cuya última obra ha sido un fracaso. No le ayuda mucho la columna semanal de Peter, amigo de la infancia que estuvo enamorada de ella (y todavía lo está), donde resaltaba los aspectos negativos de su trabajo. En tal tesitura, Peter, conmovido por la muerte del tipo que limpiaba las ventanas de su estudio, que deja dos huérfanos, lanza una campaña apoyando su adopción. El agente de Charlie se entera, y decide que la adopción será una magnífica promoción para la carrera de su actriz.
How to Start the Day
Experimental Patient (uncredited)
Benchley tries his best to demonstrate the routine one should follow to start the day right.
Doble boda
Drunk Singing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" (uncredited)
Un escritor acepta realizar una obra para una actriz con el objetivo de enamorar a la hermana de ésta.
The Boss Didn't Say Good Morning
Office Worker
Carey Wilson narrates this MGM Miniature short in which an average office worker suffers all week-end because his boss, who had a bad case of indigestion, didn't speak to him when he came to work on Friday and is convinced he is going to get fired.
Una pareja invisible
Reporter (uncredited)
George y Marion Kerby mueren en un accidente de tráfico, pero regresan al mundo de los vivos como fantasmas y con la intención de vivir la lujosa vida de su amigo Cosmo Topper, presidente de un banco.
Anything for a Thrill
Alphonse - Asst. Photographer
Despite his older brother's objections, a young man vows to become a newsreel cameraman.
They Gave Him a Gun
Admiring Soldier (uncredited)
Jimmy Davis se convierte en un héroe matando alemanes durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, pero resulta gravemente herido. Durante su estancia en el hospital se enamora de Rose, una enfermera que a su vez está enamorada de Fred, compañero de Jimmy. Fred es capturado pero ambos piensan que está muerto al no volver del campo de batalla, así que comienzan planes de boda. Cuando Fred aparece no se opone al matrimonio de ellos a pesar de quedar destrozado emocionalmente. Finalizada la guerra, Fred se encuentra con Jimmy y descubre que es un mafioso
Sinner Take All
Garage Attendant (uncredited)
A young lawyer is determined to identify who is murdering members of a wealthy New York publishing family.
General Spanky
Boat Passenger
Orphaned shoeshine boy Spanky is working on a Mississippi riverboat during the Civil War. There he befriends young runaway slave Buckwheat. After wronging a vicious gambler, Spanky and Buckwheat are forced to jump ship. Finding solace at a nearby house, the two are picked by Marshall Valiant for an important mission. This inspires Spanky to organize the local kids to form a small army of their own.
Sworn Enemy
Man Calling Hank to Phone (uncredited)
A law student poses as a fight promoter to catch a notorious gangster.
Sins of Man
Bit Role
Austrian church bell ringer Freyman loves music and wants his two sons (both played by Ameche) to love it too. The first goes to America and the second is born deaf-mute but gains hearing during WWI bombing.
Peanut Vendor (uncredited)
Durante un viaje, Joe Wilson llega a un lugar desconocido, donde es encarcelado por un delito que no ha cometido. Los vecinos, amotinados, provocan el incendio de la cárcel y dan por muerto al forastero. Sin embargo, Wilson consigue sobrevivir y, entonces, intentará vengarse haciendo que sus potenciales asesinos corran el mismo peligro del que él escapó milagrosamente. "Fury" es el primer film americano del gran director alemán Fritz Lang.
La prueba suprema
Waiter Telling of Barn Dance
Terry es el piloto de pruebas de Emery Motors, y Frank, el ingeniero. Por su parte, Jane se ocupa de la publicidad. Terry ha diseñado un nuevo carburador con el que espera conseguir fama y dinero, pero no consigue que funcione bien, aunque lo ha estado probando durante más de un año. A pesar de todo, decide presentarse a la carrera de Indianapolis 500.
Here Comes Trouble
Harry Goodfellow
Donovan unknowingly becomes tangled up with jewel thieves when Evelyn Howard gives him a cigarette lighter containing some hot rocks.
An All American Toothache
Thelma volunteers Patsy as a subject for her friend who is in dental school and needs somebody to practice on.
Two in the Dark
Hotel Messenger
Ford Adams regains consciousness in Boston, bloody and suffering from amnesia. Information he eventually uncovers (with the help of Marie Smith) connects him to a well-known producer--who's just been murdered.
La magia de la música
Drunk on Streetcar (uncredited)
Una actriz de cierta edad reconoce al fin la verdad cuando la sustituyen por una corista.
3 Kids and a Queen
An eccentric, wealthy spinster, 'Queenie' Baxter is erroneously presumed to be kidnapped. She subsequently pretends to indeed be kidnapped, , in order to allow a reward of $50,000 to benefit an impecunious family headed by Tony Orsatti and his three sons, Blackie, Doc and Flash.
O'Shaughnessy's Boy
A circus wild animal trainer searches for the son who was taken away from him by a meddling relative years earlier.
Page Miss Glory
Bellhop with Telegram (uncredited)
A country girl goes to the city and gets a job in a posh hotel, and winds up becoming an instant celebrity thanks to an ambitious photographer.
La fugitiva
Steve - Man Bringing Newspapers (uncredited)
Ann Grey, condenada por un asesinato que no cometió, escapa cuando un accidente de tráfico le concede la oportunidad. Recibe la ayuda de un joven abogado, que la esconde de la policía con la ayuda de su mayordomo. A la chica también la buscan los mafiosos que cometieron el crimen, pues creen que conoce el paradero de 250.000 dólares en bonos. Cuando los gangsters la secuestran, el abogado pide la ayuda del fiscal del distrito y de la policía.
One New York Night
Wise Guy
Foxhall Ridgeway, arriving in New York City from the West, stumbles onto a murder in the hotel room next to his. He gets tangled up into the affair, and with the aid of Phoebe, the hotel telephone operator who takes a liking to him, and also Countess Louise Browssiloff, who innocently had left some personal belongings in the murdered man's room and is most anxious to recover the incriminating evidence, Foxhall solves the murder mystery.
Cuando el diablo asoma
Telegram Messenger (Uncredited)
Dyll abandona en el altar a su novia Mary, pues ha descubierto que sigue enamorado de Connie, una chica que conoció hace años.
Deck Steward with Food Cart (uncredited)
En este triángulo amoroso, Diane no puede decidir si le gusta Michael, a quien conoció en un viaje en barco, o Richard, el empresario casado que está tratando de olvidar.
Three Chumps Ahead
Pool Hall Patron (uncredited)
Thelma rushes into the apartment she shares with Patsy, excited because she's fallen in love with Archie, a rich man with yachts and a British accent. Patsy isn't impressed and less so when Archie comes calling. She does her best to sink the romance, making noise while the lovers talk and offering Limburger cheese sandwiches. In desperation, Archie calls his brother Benny, who's a sailor, and asks him to keep Patsy company. After a series of mishaps, they end up at a saloon where Patsy orders everything on the menu. Who's going to have to pay?
Aprendió de los marinos
Jean, que canta en un club nocturno de Shanghai, se enamora de un marino, pero él parte hacia Estados Unidos y le escribe una carta para comunicarle que no puede mantenerla. Dos chistosos interceptan la carta y la reescriben en sentido opuesto...
Soup and Fish
Dog Hospital Intern (uncredited)
At a ritzy beauty salon, while a mud pack is on her face, a wealthy socialite invites Thelma and Patsy, two salon attendants, to a party, mistakenly thinking they are social acquaintances whom she wants to entertain a visiting count. Just before our working-class pair arrives at the party, the hostess is called away to see to an ill dog. Thelma tries to behave in a refined way, but Patsy, with a head full of practical jokes and a bra filled with trick gadgets, turns the party on its head. The butler calls the hostess back to her home. Is Thelma and Patsy's moment in high society coming to a crashing end?
Compañeros de juerga
Waiter (uncredited)
Stan y Ollie se comprometen a asistir a una convención de los “Hijos del Desierto” que coincide con un viaje a las montañas planeado por el matrimonio Hardy. Ollie simula una enfermedad que exige un viaje por mar. Mientras él y Stan disfrutan de la convención, el barco tropieza con una catástrofe.
Beauty and the Bus
Theatre Patron Behind Patsy (uncredited)
The girls win a car in a raffle.
El regreso de la forastera
Una neoyorkina aburrida visita la granja de su família en Iowa, la cual es dirigida por el irascible Abuelo Storr, ayudado por el alchólico aunque laborioso Simon. A su regreso también se encontrará con la hostilidad de Beatrice, su prima, y del marido de ésta, Alan. No ayudará mucho a esta enemistad provocada por los celos el que se haga amiga del marido de una popular lugareña, Nettie.
The Fatal Glass of Beer
Student Drinker (uncredited)
The prodigal son of a Yukon prospector comes home on a night that "ain't fit for man nor beast."
Vivamos hoy
Alexander, a Pilot (uncredited)
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), Diana Boyce-Smith está atrapada en un triángulo amoroso con Claude, un funcionario británico, y con Bogard, un piloto de combate estadounidense.
Too Many Highballs
Hot Dog Vendor
Harold Hobbs doesn't much like that his lazy, sponging and unemployed brother-in-law Claude and his mother-in-law live with him and his wife, Hortense, especially as the in-laws seem to rule the roost ever since they moved in. To get his in-laws out of the house, Harold has regularly left a bottle of booze for Claude to be able to entertain prospective employers. When Harold learns that on all the other occasions the employers have not showed (he assumes there probably were no prospective employers) leaving Claude to consume the booze on his own, he decides to show Claude a lesson by spiking the bottle with castor oil. Complications ensue when Joe, Harold's friend, encourages him to skip work to attend the prize fight. What Joe doesn't tell Harold is that he tells his boss that Harold needs the day off to attend to the sudden death of his brother-in-law.
Don't Play Bridge With Your Wife
Room Service
A Mack Sennett-produced sound short about couples playing bridge through the ages.
The Soilers
Maintenance Man with Ladder (uncredited)
Zasu and Thelma are working their way through college by selling magazine subscriptions. Finding little success going door-to-door, the pair decide to use their charms to sell to men at their places of work.
Alum and Eve
Intern (uncredited)
When Thelma is stopped by a cop for speeding, she tries to get out of it by telling him that she and Zasu are on their way to the hospital.
Jimmy's New Yacht
A young lady is wooed by two men
Ten Cents a Dance
Elevator Operator
A taxi dancer with a jealous husband finds herself falling for a wealthy client.
The Widow from Chicago
Newsboy (uncredited)
A woman infiltrates a criminal mob to avenge her brother's death.