Rita May

Rita May

Nacimiento : 1942-05-09, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England


Rita May is an English film and television actress and singer, best known for playing supermarket employee Maragaret in the comedy series "Trollied". She's also the only original cast remember who appeared in all episodes on the drama series "Children's Ward" from 1989 to 2000.


Rita May
Rita May


Todos hablan de Jamie
Mrs. Cardwell
Jamie New tiene 16 años y no encaja del todo. En lugar de seguir una carrera "real", sueña con convertirse en drag queen. No muy convencido sobre su futuro, Jamie sabe una cosa con certeza: será una sensación. Con el apoyo de su madre y sus amigos, Jamie supera los prejuicios, vence a sus acosadores, y sale de la oscuridad para convertirse en el centro de atención.
Walk Like a Panther
Mabel Higgins
A group of 1980s wrestlers are forced to don the lycra once last time when their beloved local pub is threatened with closure.
Red Riding: 1974, Parte 1
Aunty Win
Primera parte de la miniserie británica "Red Riding", compuesta por tres largometrajes basados en las tres novelas negras de David Peace (Red Riding, 1974, 1980, 1983) El protagonista es un joven que tiene que investigar varios asesinatos, que se basan en casos reales de asesinos en serie británicos.
In the loop
Mrs Michaelson
Todo empieza cuando el presidente de los Estados Unidos y el primer ministro británico deciden iniciar una guerra. No todo el mundo cree que sea una buena idea. Pero cuando Simon Foster, el secretario de Estado británico, respalda accidentalmente la guerra en horario de máxima audiencia en la televisión, se gana sin quererlo muchos amigos en Washington DC.
A 7-year-old boy (Jonathan Mason) struggles to understand why his mother, newly returned from hospital, isn't giving him the attention he craves.
Fanny & Elvis
Rick's Mother
Yorkshire writer Kate finds out her biological clock is ticking down the same day that her husband leaves her. To get over the financial crisis this creates she takes in car-dealer Dave. He's homeless as Kate's husband has moved in with his wife. This leaves the problem of how to get promptly pregnant. Surely not with increasingly interesting Dave. They can't even agree on a baby's name - he thinks Fanny is silly and she finds Elvis, well, inconceivable.
Camino a la gloria
Un joven -Sean Benn- de una ciudad norteña de Gran Bretaña aspira a convertirse en futbolista profesional, pero antes tendrá que superar un vida gris y marcada por un padre celoso. Animado por su novia Annie -Emily Lloyd- juega todas las semanas en un equipo local amateur. En uno de los partidos un ojeador de talentos -Pete Postlewaite- se fija en él...
Drama based on events during the 1984/85 miners strike. One of the first dramatised accounts, it was written by Geoffrey Case and directed by Gordon Flemyng for Yorkshire Television and won the Rai award at the Prix Italia and the Prix Futura at the Berlin Film Festival in 1987.
Mrs. Kemp
Popular producción de la BBC sobre un hipotético ataque nuclear en la ciudad de Sheffield (Inglaterra) y sus consecuencias.
England's Greens and Peasant Land
A planning decision must be made, and the motorway extension must go through on either the Golf Course or the Allotments - will the greens survive or the peasant lands?
England's Greens and Peasant Land
A planning decision must be made, and the motorway extension must go through on either the Golf Course or the Allotments - will the greens survive or the peasant lands?
Miradas y sonrisas
Nick, de diecisiete años, no consigue encontrar trabajo. Se le ocurre entonces alistarse en el ejército, pero sus padres se oponen radicalmente. Mientras tanto empieza a salir con la dependienta de una zapatería.
The Gamekeeper
George Purse is the gamekeeper for the duke's estate, a role he takes seriously. His position gives him a certain status, but he has an uneasy relationship with some of the locals, not least those who turn to poaching
The Price of Coal, Part 2: Back to Reality
Kath Storey
A month after the royal visit, the workers at Milton Colliery are brought crashing back down to earth by an underground explosion.
The Price of Coal, Part 1: Meet the People
Kath Storey
The workers of Milton Colliery prepare for a royal visit from Prince Charles.