Stéphane Bégoin


The true story of pirates
Thanks to new excavations in Mauritius and Madagascar, as well as archival and museum research in France, Spain, England and Canada, a group of international scholars paint a new portrait of the world of piracy in the Indian Ocean.
The true story of pirates
Thanks to new excavations in Mauritius and Madagascar, as well as archival and museum research in France, Spain, England and Canada, a group of international scholars paint a new portrait of the world of piracy in the Indian Ocean.
La cité perdue d'Al Andalus
L'Invention du luxe à la française
U455 The Mystery of the Lost Submarine
In Summer 2008, a mysterious submarine, German U-boat U-455 is discovered off the coast of Italy at 120 meters deep. For Lorenzo del Veneziano, an underwater marine archeologist, it's an amazing sight. The U-boat is intact! It stands almost vertically at the bottom of the sea, it's hull stuck in the sediment. What is the story of this ship? The history of U-455 & cause of the sinking are revealed.
Un samouraï au Vatican
Un samouraï au Vatican
Scenario Writer
1917: El otro Día D
Through unreleased archives and contemporary footage shot in the archeological digs of World War I's battlefields, this film tells the heroic and tragic tale of the American soldiers in this terrible conflict.
Ces microbes qui nous gouvernent
Scenario Writer
Ces microbes qui nous gouvernent
Bacterial World
Coming in all shapes and sizes, bacteria are present in every corner of the Earth. Their purposes and types are even more diverse, with only 1% being truly harmful. Dive into the world of Bacteria to experience the latest discoveries and scientific knowledge surrounding these plentiful and necessary microbes.
Naachtun - The Forgotten Mayan City
Mixing in-depth excavation work and scientific analysis of the forgotten city of Naachtun, this documentary traces the dawn and dusk of the once-flourishing Mayan civilisation.
U-455 El misterio del submarino perdido
In 2008, German U- boat U-455 was discovered off the coast of Italy. 400 feet down, the submarine stands almost vertically on the ocean floor. This documentary will reveal its history and the cause of its demise.
1783, le premier vol de l'homme
Die Pharaonin und das Goldland - Hatschepsuts Reise nach Punt
Die Pharaonin und das Goldland - Hatschepsuts Reise nach Punt
When the Egyptians Sailed on the Red Sea
Cheryl Ward, American archaeologist and world specialist in ancient navigation, is coordinating the design and construction of the replica of an Egyptian ship from the time of the New Kingdom. Details for building the ship come from a bas-relief from the temple of Deir el-Bahri in Luxor. This inscriptions recounts that a fleet of five ships, supplied by Queen Hatshepsut in the year 1500 BC, succeeded in finding the marvelous and far-off land of Punt, from whence they brought back the most extraordinary riches. Once the reconstruction is completed, the team intends to sail in the wake of Hatshepsut’s fleet aboard their reconstructed vessel to find the mythical land of Punt and prove that the Egyptians were a seafaring people. This film proposes a unique explanation of this historic voyage, following the true adventure of historians, Egyptologists and archaeologists, and sheds new light on the reign of Queen Hatshepsut.
Les Incroyables machines volantes du professeur Oehmichen
astrónomos de la prehistoria
En las cuevas existen pinturas rupestres y calendarios lunares y restos de cazadores prehistóricos estudiados recientemente. ¿Qué pasaría si el hombre prehistórico fuera lo suficientemente inteligente como para desarrollar un conocimiento científico profundo? Por improbable que parezca, los nuevos datos tienden a demostrar que el hombre prehistórico realmente inventó la astronomía.
I Re Magi - Sulle tracce del mito