Harry Rowohlt

Harry Rowohlt

Nacimiento : 1945-03-27, Hamburg, Germany

Muerte : 2015-06-15


Harry Rowohlt


El osito polar: la isla misteriosa
George (voice)
En esta ocasión, el osito polar Lars viaja a las Islas Galápagos junto a sus amigos de siempre, como Robby y Caruso el pingüino. En este paraíso tropical conocen a muchos exóticos y divertidos animales como pájaros, cangrejos y tortugas. Pero unos científicos intentan atrapar a un nuevo y misterioso amigo de Lars, por lo que nuestro intrépido osito necesitará la ayuda de todos sus amigos para hacer fracasar el plan de los científicos...
The Little Polar Bear: A Visitor from the South Pole
Lars is experiencing exciting adventures again. First he discovers a sunken ship with Robby, then he drives away evil bandits and finally a strange bird appears at the North Pole: It's Caruso, the singing penguin.
A Journey Into Bliss
The film deals loosely with the adventures of the grizzled Gustav who captains a ship – a giant floating ‘snailboat’ – with a crew of talking animals and lumbering sailors in blackface. It unspools like a perverse children’s story book, all at once cuddly cute, grotesquely obscene and beyond absurd as normal narrative logic shatters, giving way to an episodic, free-associative structure that one critic likened to “cinematic memory association.” (joergbuttgereit.com)
Liebe auf Bewährung
The Little Polar Bear: Nanouk's Rescue
Polar bear Lars undertakes an adventurous quest to find his parents, meeting a homesick husky and falling in love along the way.
The Little Polar Bear: The Dream of Flying
After a long journey with new brown bear friend Lea, Lars finds his parents have become ill. While fetching medicine, Lars crosses the snow line for the first time and learns about the forest. With his parents cured, it’s time to relax until Yuri, the funny Puffin, drops in unable to fly. It’s up to Lars and his chillin’ chums to help Yuri head back to the skies where he belongs!
The Little Polar Bear: Lars and the Little Tiger
Hippo (voice)
Hans der Beer's beloved polar bear Lars returns for more adventures, with a new feline friend.
El Osito Polar
Hippo (voice)
Basada en los maravillosos cuentos infantiles, "El Osito Polar" es una magnífica historia que nos enseña el verdadero significado de la amistad, Lars, es un simpático y valiente osito polar que un día conoce a Robi, una bondadosa y divertida foca y juntos vivirán numerosas aventuras. Un día, Lars queda atrapado en un iceberg que le lleva hacia una nueva aventura lejos del Polo Norte donde conocerá a nuevos amigos. A su regreso, un monstruoso barco está haciendo desaparecer todos los peces y Lars tendrá que salvar a su familia y amigos. Una brillante película animada que estimulará la imaginación de los más pequeños y los mayores.
At Swim-Two-Birds
A Dublin student writes a novel about a tavern keeper about the parishioners in his tavern (including the student), who in turn write novels featuring the innkeeper and the student, and other novel composers about other novelists.