Roi Miller

Roi Miller

Nacimiento : 1979-10-14, Germany


Roi Miller


La confesión del diablo: las cintas perdidas de Eichmann
Willem Sassen
Para asegurar la condena de Adolf Eichmann, el autor intelectual del holocausto nazi, el fiscal general israelí Gideon Hausner comienza a buscar una prueba legendaria.
El repostero de Berlín
Oren Nachmias
En Berlín, Oren, un ingeniero constructor israelí que trabaja periódicamente en un gran proyecto, se encapricha del pastelero Thomas. El romance ni siquiera parece haber empezado propiamente cuando Thomas descubre que Oren ha muerto en un accidente de coche en Jerusalen. Thomas viaja allí sin saber exactamente qué es lo que está buscando. Sí halla, con todo, el café del que es propietaria la mujer de Oren, Anat, quien no tarda en ofrecerle un empleo de lo más básico, consistente en limpiar y fregar cacharros. Thomas no revela su talento hasta el cumpleaños del hijo de Anat, cuando decide preparar una sorpresa bajo la forma de una confección de pastas. Esto no acaba de sentar bien al religioso Motti, el hermano de Oren. A eso hay que sumar un hecho simple: Thomas es alemán, la comida que prepara un goy no es de conformidad con la ley judaica y un café en Jerusalem pierde clientes sin el certificado kosher.
Military M. D.
En el Israel de nuestros días, un matrimonio con problemas recibe la noticia de que el hijo ha muerto en el frente. Tras el luto, la mala nueva se descubre que es falsa. Una confusión de nombres...
The Man in the Wall
One night, one apartment and one mystery. Shir wakes up in the middle of the night. Her husband hasn’t come back after taking the dog out. The dog has. But where is Rami? Friends, relatives, neighbours and police come round and with each visit more marital secrets are revealed.
Depending on Traffic
Three stories set during one slow-moving traffic jam.
Battle of the Undead
Doron, a security operative, who takes on one last mission: to capture, number 3 in the terrorist organization of Hezbollah, in Lebanon. With an elite force, Doron enters Lebanon to complete his last mission. Very soon he discovers that reality is not so simple, and that a new and unknown enemy is to be dealt with - and Hezbollah are the last thing on his mind. Doron has to deal with a ticking clock in the form of extensive I.D.F attack and a bloodthirsty enemy, Now that their enemy has changed its face, it's up to him and his unit to wage a new war, a different war, to find an antidote, get back across the border, before the middle east conflict is changed forever.
The Fifth Heaven
Maya, a beautiful, 13, arrives to an orphanage towards the end of World War II. She discovers who her true father is and has a forbidden relationships with an orphanage worker.
A tragical-comedy film story that follows a young non-combatant platoon with defective fitness. Set in "Bahad 4" in the 50's, the movie focuses mainly on two characters: Alon (Oz Zehavi), who believes he was accidentally sent to Bahad 4 and will soon be sent to join the Paratroopers. Avner (Guy Adler), believes that the army is the last thing that interests him.