Stephanie Longfellow


Madame Rex
Located in the south of France, a woman, who, after the death of her husband, is forced to assume the management of the Gambling Casino, of which he was proprietor. She places her daughter in a convent and keeps her in ignorance of her occupation. Twelve years later the mother becomes engaged to a young nobleman. The young man, however, by accident, meets the daughter, now seventeen years old, and falls in love with her, not knowing her identity. The mother realizing the truth of the situation, sacrifices her own love for the young man for her daughter's happiness.
Mrs. Howard Raymond
As they have breakfast in their hunting lodge Howard jokingly tells his wife to improve her coffee or he'll shoot her. Later she meets him as he's out hunting and is accidentally shot and killed by another hunter. Because the maid overheard his joke at breakfast Howard is arrested for her murder.
Fate's Turning
John Lawson's Fiancée
A young girl working as a waitress at a resort for the wealthy is swept off her feet by a rich young gentleman who's there for the summer. However, his impending nuptials with another woman complicate the matter.
Winning Back His Love
Mrs. Frederick Wallace
A Husband thinks the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. His wife shows him its not.
The Lesson
Short drama about the commandment "honour your father and your mother".
The Banker's Daughters
Alice Bourne
A criminal gang conspire to rob the home of a wealthy banker and his two daughters. To do so, they first lure the banker from his home, then have a trunk containing one of the gang delivered there, where it is taken into the daughters’ dressing-room. One daughter, at her mirror, sees the trunk begin to open, and, using her small cousin as a messenger, warns her sister of their danger. The younger daughter telephones the police, and only after some difficulty persuades them to come to their rescue. The police arrive after the robbers have broken into the house, but succeed in overpowering and capturing them.
A Child's Stratagem
Mrs. Walton wilfully and mistakenly presumes that her husband is unfaithful, and demands a divorce. Devastated by the impending breakup of her home, the Waltons’ little daughter plots to reunite her parents by pretending to be a kidnapping victim. Her absence causes such consternation in the household that her parents do indeed reconcile when she returns home after some misadventures.
In Life's Cycle
Clara, as an Adult
A story about two children that are made to promise they will not forget their recently departed mother. As the two children grow up the boy regularly visits his mother's grave, while the girl has forgotten her promise.
A Summer Idyll
Rebuffed in his attempts to propose to Cora, Albert elects to take a walking trip through the countryside. There he meets a shepherdess, and the two soon develop a mutual attraction. Cora regrets her decision and tries to entice Albert back by sending him a note. He ignores her first attempt, but in the second she includes the butt of a cigarette she has been smoking and this token convinces him to return. The shepherdess finds solace in the arms of her grandfather once Albert has gone back to Cora.
A Salutary Lesson
During a stay at beach resort Mr. and Mrs. Randall neglect their daughter and follow their own interests. Mrs. Randall entertains the local minister, while Mr. Randall agrees to take his daughter on a walk along the beach. However, he is attracted by a flirtatious young woman, and the little girl wanders off on her own. She clambers onto a seaside rock where she falls asleep, unmindful of the incoming tide. Her parents at last notice her absence and begin searching for her. However, the incoming tide has by this time surrounded her rock, cutting her off from land. A lifeguard hears her cries and swims to the rescue just as the rising tide is about to engulf her. The child is returned to her parents, who receive from their near tragedy a salutary lesson in the importance of being more careful parents.
Her Father's Pride
A Quaker father is bringing up his daughter Ann in a stern, religious manner, often disturbed by her frivolity. A motorist, a concert singer from the city, has an accident near their rural home, and has to recuperate in their household. Ann and the singer fall in love, but her father refuses to approve their marriage, and when they defy his wishes he tears Ann’s name from the family Bible. The old couple fall on hard times financially, and are forced from their farmhouse to the county Poor Farm. Ann and her husband learn of this and offer help, but her father’s pride won’t permit him to take it. However, at the poorhouse, Ann plays an old hymn on an organ and softens his heart. All are reconciled.
A Flash of Light
The Older Sister
An experiment goes wrong and blinds a newly married chemist. The chemist's wife does not want to take on the burden of caring for the blind chemist, and her younger sister take her place.
As the Bells Rang Out!
If a Wall Street financier is to escape arrest, he must flee his house at once. He chooses instead to stay in order to watch his daughter get married. Thanks to kindhearted police, he is permitted to take part in the wedding while they wait discreetly in the next room, ready to take him away.
Love Among the Roses
In the Kingdom of Never-Never Land there live a great Lord and Lady, each presiding over their own domain. This great Lord goes for a stroll through his estate and coming to the border of his own land he is struck by the entrancing beauty of the contiguous estate, so like his own, that the inclination to intrude is irresistible. His peregrination is halted by the appearance of the great Lady, who is indeed as fair as the flowers that clothe her land. He introduces himself and invites her to stroll with him in his gardens. She is in like manner entranced by the beauty of his possessions. How alike in beauty are they; a veritable fairyland. If they were only one, for it seems they should be. This thought is mutual, and the Lord proposes a way, a marriage, and so a betrothal of convenience ensues. They know nothing of love and so are content in the anticipation of being Lord and Lady of all Never-Never Land.
The Rocky Road
Ben's Wife
The evils of drink cause a man to separate from his family. In time he becomes sober and prosperous. Then he meets and falls in love with a young woman, and they become engaged. Unbeknownst to him this young woman is his own daughter.
A Strange Meeting
Mary Rollins
Mary Rollins is torn between selfish depravity and righteous living. After she's coerced into helping with the burglary of her minister's apartment, she comes face to face with her misdeeds.
The Necklace
Mrs. Kendrick borrows a jeweled necklace from a friend for an important social event. The necklace is stolen, and Mr. Kendrick goes into debt to replace it. The thief discovers it's costume jewelry, but the Kendricks never learns the truth; Husband and wife struggle for years to pay off the huge debt.
Love in Quarantine