Efim Kopelyan

Efim Kopelyan


Efim Kopelyan


Story of a Human Heart
Nikolay Burtsev
Making another operation, Professor Krymov did not even guess what place this patient would occupy in his life. After some time, they will meet by chance in Yalta and realize that they are very necessary to each other. Only their attitude to love is completely different ...
Jarosław Dąbrowski
Prince Bebutow
Olga Sergeevna
Северный вариант
Открытая книга
The Executive
The film shows the daily life of an architecture studio, where a young student comes to work on his dissertation.
The Straw Hat
A musical comedy based on the classic play by Eugène Labiche.
Starlit Minute
A film from which you can learn about the first progress of the USSR in space exploration, as well as about the achievements of Yuri Gagarin, the world famous first cosmonaut, who was the very first to conquer the depths of space. This is an educational documentary film for people of all ages. And for those who are nostalgic about the past, and for those who want to learn more about space and its conquest.
Failure of Engineer Garin
Гастон Леклер-«Утиный нос»
A Russian engineer Petr Garin possesses a unique beam-shooting weapon that can destroy any target. His goal is to achieve world domination with the help of this weapon. Vasily Shelga is out to stop him and also to prevent others getting possession of this weapon.
The Chronicle of the Night
A plane bound for Africa ends up in the hands of hired killers. Their goal is to prevent the Soviet doctor from getting to Lega, where he is to operate on the leader of the liberation movement.
Yegor Bulychyov and Others
Vasili Dostigayev
In the center of the film is a powerful, peculiar, talented Russian man, the largest timber merchant Yegor Bulychyov. He is experiencing a tragic discord with himself, with the world that surrounds him, with great social injustice, to which his whole life has been given. The idea of ​​the film is to determine the purpose and meaning of the existence of the human person, consider its polysyllabic and versatile connections with the world.
Тайник у красных камней
The Seagull
Basada en la obra "La gaviota" de Antón Chéjov.
Елисей Каргин
A chronicle of life in a small village in the Baikal Region on the eve of World War I and at the time of the October Revolution. The age-old foundations are crumbling, the process of social stratification is underway and, as a result, some people go to defend the revolution, and others - to fight against it. The main hero is the young Cossack Roman Ulybin. At first, this carefree daredevil is preoccupied only with one problem: whether his sweetheart, Dashutka, is to marry him or a merchant’s son, Alyoshka. Roman is killing time fist-fighting with his rival. But little by little, the young man realizes that the world around him has changed, that people are fighting for equality and social justice, and, being a real Cossack, he can’t remain on the sidelines…
Mission in Kabul
Narrator (voice)
On the formation of young Soviet diplomacy and the struggle of the mission in Kabul with the internal reaction and representatives of the Western powers for the signing of the Cooperation Agreement. A Russian diplomatic mission was sent to Kabul. The friendly relations between Afghanistan and the young Soviet republic became a real threat to traditional British rule in the East.
Мир хижинам, война дворцам
The Beginning
Cauchon (voice) (uncredited)
A talented girl from the provincial Russian town Pasha Stroganova dreams of becoming an actress. She plays the role of Baba Yaga in the amateur theatre — and does it so organically that the visiting filmmaker offers her the most difficult role in the historical drama about Joan of Arc. She was given not only great acting talent, but the talent of deep, selfless love. A dream comes true: she is invited to the main role, and she begins a completely different life, full of real creative torment, insights and true happiness.
Crimen y castigo
Adaptación de la famosa novela de Dostoievski. Rodion Raskolnikov, un estudiante de San Petersburgo sin recursos económicos pero con síntomas de megalomanía, asesina a una usurera a la que considera una lacra social. Tras cometer el crimen, su vida se debate entre el amor que ha despertado en él Sonia, una joven prostituta, y el peso de los remordimientos que lo igualan al resto de los mortales...
The Secret Agent's Destiny
After Tulyev's arrest, Soviet counterintelligence continues the radio game with the enemy, sending encryptions signed "Nadezhda" to the Western intelligence center. KGB officer Sinitsyn, friendly towards Tulyev, tries to persuade him to take his side — he arranges a meeting to a scout with Mariya and her son, whom he has never seen before. In addition, Mikhail learns that his father didn't die of his own death, but was most likely killed. Meanwhile, a young Soviet scientist Borkov, who spoke at an international conference about his innovative work, finds himself in the spotlight of the Western security services.
Adam and Eve
Narrator (voice)
Bekir, in anger divorces his wife Kheva, which he regrets. Because of Sharia, she can return if she marries another and is expelled by him. Bekir arranges with Adam, to briefly marry and expel her. Neither Kheva, nor Adam want to separate.
Dangerous Tour
Based on the events that took place in Odessa in 1910, when, on the instructions of the Foreign Bureau of the RSDLP, a prominent Bolshevik underground worker arrived in the city under the guise of a French timber merchant, who was to organize the delivery of illegal literature to Russia through the Odessa port. The task can be completed. In Odessa, a variety show theater was created, which, having gained fame, toured Russia and received "theater props" from France...
Magaraev (voice)
The end of the civil war. A sailor Alexey Zvorykin is appointed Director of the automobile plant. After training in America at Ford he finishes release of the first Soviet lorry and personally takes part in the international motor rally in Sands of Kara-Kuma which is won by our car.
Наши знакомые
L. L. Dorn
The GPU secret service develops and conducts in 1923-24 an operational game aimed at the elimination of the Savinkov anti-Soviet underground.
Люди земли и неба
Narrator (Voice)
Her Name Is Spring
The film takes place in Uzbekistan during the Great Patriotic War. Pulat and Bahor love each other, but the happiness of the heroes is prevented by a rich friend of the parents of a girl who sees her as her future wife.
Гроза над Белой
The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers
ataman Burnash
The action takes place in 1920 during the Civil War. Crimea on the eve of complete liberation from the White Guards. Returning from patrol, the four brave “elusive” knocked down an airplane. In the field bag of the captured pilot, they find a secret report, which speaks of the existence of defensive fortifications around the coastal city, which the Reds have yet to take. Young heroes get the task to get a map of fortifications and go to the city...
The Secret Agent's Blunder
In the spring of 1961, KGB officers received information that an experienced intelligence officer Mikhail Zarokov, son of the Russian emigrant Count Tulyev, with extensive international experience and knowledge in various operations was abandoned on the territory of the Soviet Union. He is sent to Russia to carry out a very difficult and risky task, which is directly related to the nuclear industrial complex and transfer the collected information abroad...
Филипп, король одесских налётчиков
The movie is set during the last days of a foreign intervention against Soviet Russia. Police are searching everywhere for a Bolshevik named Brodsky but cannot find him. Meanwhile, a man named Michel Voronov serves as a teacher to a rich woman's son, Zhen'ka.
Sofiya Perovskaya
Loris - Melikov
A biopic, looking at one of the major leaders of the assassination of Czar Alexander II.
Семь нот в тишине
Особое мнение
Николай Бауман
Women Kingdom
A story about women and their village set during the years after WWII.
На одной планете
The Elusive Revengers
Ataman Burmash
Dan'ka's and Ksanka's childhood in the village has been brutally ended when their father was killed by the White Guard officer in front of their eyes. Seeking revenge they join forces with an intellectual from the city Valerka and jipsy Yashka, but before they get close to their enemy they have to help their village and advancing Red Army.
The Twenty Six Comissars
генерал Бахчаров
The film is about dramatic revolutionary events happened in 1918 in Baku.
Time, Forward!
The film is set in the 1930s in the USSR. The film tells about one day of the construction of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. The heroes of the film are simple construction workers who are burning at work. Upon learning that their colleagues in Kharkov have set a record, they mobilize to break it. The entire construction site was engulfed in immense socialist competition. The teams are ready to complete the work on time at any cost. A Moscow journalist who has come to cover the scale of the great construction project is looking for the hero of his report...
How Do I Call You Now?..
A story about a brave Soviet spy working behind the enemy lines during WWII.
A Dream
Poetic treatment of the early life of Ukrainian poet and painter Taras Shevchenko. A biopic made on the occasion of his 150th anniversary. It dwells on the first part of the Shevchenko's life leading up to the writing of his rebellious poem "A Dream" (A comedy). The film features the first appearance on the silver screen of the iconic Ukrainian actor Ivan Mykolaichuk (as Taras Shevchenko).
Goodbye, Boys!
The Cleaner
Goodbye, Boys! is the coming-of-age tale of three teenagers graduating from a Communist school during World War II. It's summer, and their main goals are swimming in the Black Sea and wooing the girl all three of them love. However, they are asked to become officers in the military, and slowly their worlds begin changing forever. Their parents oppose them, they begin fearing losing each other and their families, and the military tricks and maneuvers them into joining the army instead of the navy
All Remains to People
Renowned scientist Dronov works in Novosibirsk on the creation of ultra-modern engine. He has a bad heart, he was afraid not to have time to finish the job, and test engine at a factory in Moscow, unfortunately, is not the first time passes unsuccessfully. Dronov abandons the rest of the work, even the leadership of the Institute entrusts to his disciple Morozov.
Зима тревоги нашей
The Very First Space
Ruben Grigoryevich
After a test flight, pilot Sergei Sazonov was invited to a group of astronauts. Intensive preparation begins for the flight into space: classes in the weightlessness chamber, constant study. Sergei decides that he does not have the right to meet with a cheerful student Natasha, whom his friends accuse of frivolity. But their telephone conversation ends up asking him to marry him.
713th Asks for Landing
Transatlantic flight 713 is in trouble because the pilot and crew are poisoned while flying above the ocean. Now the passengers have to take control to save their lives.
Третья, патетическая
Dostigayev and Others
July-December 1917, the country is undergoing a revolution. "The pillars of society" are alarmed by the looming on them menacing events. Some of them are ready to fight with the revolution, others — among them industrialist Vasily Dostigaev trying to "adapt»
A story of Kochubey - a hero of Russian Civil War.
Baltiyskaya slava
El Viejo Khottabych
Джафар али Мухаммедов
Un niño llamado Volka descubre una antigua ánfora en el fondo de un río y se la lleva a casa. Cuando la abre, un genio emerge de ella. Se presenta como Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Khottab, aunque Volka le llamará Khottabych. Despues de mil años encerrado, el agradecido Khottabych está dispuesto a cumplir cualquiera de los deseos de Volka. Pero Volka descubrirá que mejor haría en usar los poderes del genio con cuidado, ya que pueden tener resultados desastrosos...
The Gadfly
Chief of the Border Post
Italy, XIX century. The country is occupied by Austrian troops, the resistance movement is actively developing. Student Arthur Burton is involved in the activities of the underground organization “Young Italy”, envies its leader, Giovanni Bolla, and is jealous of his bride Gemma. He talks about this at a confession to a priest, as a result of which gendarmes take revolutionaries under arrest...
Directed by Efim Dzigan.
The young boxer Kirill Kochevanov in the training battle of the qualifying rounds with the champion Peter Dorokhov loses the decisive meeting and, it would seem, now he should not get into the team for a trip to Europe. However, according to the decision of the commission, which saw great makings in the athlete, Kochevanov, together with the best Lightning boxers, goes abroad. After several meetings won, our athletes receive the challenge of European champion Henri Lance. Having well studied the tactics and strategy of the battle of Dorokhov, Lance promises all journalists to knock out the opponent no later than the fourth round. However, the opponent of Lance is declared Kirill Kochevanov. In the fourth round, Cyril goes on the offensive, attacks Lance and wins the battle.
One night, the crew of the Derbent tanker receives a signal about oil ignition on the Agamali tanker. Despite the fire threatening to spill onto the ship, Derbent is in a hurry to help ...
Pavel Maksimovich
Chess Grandmaster Sergei Khlebnikov is a highly talented and unusual person, living in the 1970s Soviet Union. He is obsessed with making a beautiful game, but his emotional and irrational state stands in his way of victory. At last, his moment comes and he wins the Tournament of Contenders for the World Championship. But now, he has to play the World Champion...