Donatas Banionis

Donatas Banionis

Nacimiento : 1924-04-28, Kaunas, Lithuania

Muerte : 2014-09-04


Donatas Banionis (28 April 1924 – 4 September 2014) was a Lithuanian actor. He is best known for his performance in the lead role of Tarkovsky's Solaris as Kris Kelvin. He was born in Kaunas, Lithuania.


Donatas Banionis


Ryuichi Sakamoto: Coda
Kris Kelvin (Archive Footage)
La cinta dirigida por Stephen Nomura Schible se centra en la vida del compositor de renombre Ryuichi Sakamoto. Por tanto, este documental revive la prolífica carrera de este artista, quien lleva trabajando más de cuatro décadas. De esa forma asistimos a la evolución de Sakamoto, desde sus inicios con el techno-pop hasta que se convirtió en un ganador de la Academia, consiguiendo el Oscar por ?El último emperador?. Pero además de su dedicación al mundo de la música, Sakamoto ha demostrado ser también una figura muy importante en el movimiento social contra las nucleares del lugar. Eric Nyari y Yoshiko Hashimoto son los productores de la película, mientras que Neo Sora y Tom Richmond son los directores de fotografía que acompañan a Stephen Nomura Schible en este viaje. (ECartelera)
Sacrifices of Andrei Tarkovsky
Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Andrei Tarkovsky. The film uses unique materials related to the years Tarkovsky spent in Italy, personal accounts of friends and professionals, the shooting locations of his films, to what degree his works reflects his personal life. The film brings us closer to the man to whom contemporary filmmaking owes so much.
Revisiting Solaris
Chris Kelvin
The astronaut Chris Kelvin receives a visit from a woman who is a double of his dead wife. This story, told in Stanislaw Lem’s eponymous novel, was once adapted into the film Solaris by the legendary Russian film director Andrei Tarkovsky. According to Deimantas Narkevičius, Tarkovsky was not as critical of the increasing impact of electronic media on relationships and on the complex nature of human memory as Lem, the original author of the story. In this video, the actor Donatas Banionis reappears in his role as Kelvin, forty years after Tarkovsky’s film was shot. Revisiting Solaris is based on the last chapter of Lem's book, which had been left out of Tarkovsky’s adaptation. In order to visualize the landscape of Solaris and expose complex specters of the past, Narkevičius combines the new footage and a series of photos from 1905 taken by the Lithuanian painter and composer Mykolojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis.
Doctor's father
They only wanted to challenge the unjust government. But once they did...they had no way back. When Baltic states regain their independence from the Soviet Union, thousands of Russians living outside Russia find themselves cut off from their native land. Some of them return to Russia, others become naturalized citizens and go on with their lives in the new country. However, two Russian brothers, Kostya and Yura, are among those who do not want to return to Russia, nor to live under the new government. When brothers find out that they must leave the country or will be deported, they decide to challenge the government that they believe has violated their rights. The brothers capture a minivan full of passengers and demand a ransom of a million dollars as a compensation for the injustice inflicted upon them. According to their plan, none of the hostages will be hurt, however, as the brothers capture the minivan, the first blood spilled.
Сага древних булгар: Лествица Владимира Красное Солнышко
Ниро Вульф и Арчи Гудвин: Воскреснуть, чтобы умереть
Ниро Вульф
Ниро Вульф и Арчи Гудвин: Дело в шляпе
Nero Wolfe
Only Time...
Alexander Yanovich
Ниро Вульф и Арчи Гудвин: Голос с того света
Nero Wolfe
Ниро Вульф и Арчи Гудвин: Летающий пистолет
Nero Wolfe
Ниро Вульф и Арчи Гудвин: Пока я не умер
Nero Wolfe
The Courtyard
The old man
The first feature of Lithuanian Valdas Navasaitis is a drama which unravels the hopeless 1970s, when people were deprived of their roots and forced to sit and watch their lives slip from their fingers. In a decrepit house that once belonged to a bourgeois family, several families seek shelter. Senis, a 65-year-old alcoholic, lives on the ground floor with his wife and their 16-year-old daughter. Senis is a survivor of the Nazis as well as the communist camps. He drowns the pain of his memories in a nearby pub and in talking to a depressed young laborer, Lorenca. Later on, a young couple and a lonely eccentric who enjoys only his cat's company join the inhabitants. Children wile away the time with useless games or spying on adults. When Lorenca hangs himself at the ruins of a nearby factory, the lives are shaken up. During the dinner held for the deceased, they find a moment of common hope.
Шляхтич Завальня
A crime story which take action in Riga Sea Port.
Ятринская ведьма
Soviet horror movie based on the play by the writer Vyacheslav Adamchik Raisa Gromyko. The film takes place in the XVI century.
Seven Days After the Murder
A terrible tragedy occurs in the family of a famous general: one of his daughters is killed. The investigator leading the case understands that an outwardly prosperous and friendly family only seems to be pretending to be happy.
When a young man wants to marry a poor girl, her cousin envies her very much. She even makes everybody believe that the main character was in love with her. He escapes from many difficulties in order to find his beloved who also became trapped in a luxurious villa with some strange relatives. The people inside villa are vampires, they were called upyri in those days in Russia. They suck blood of anyone who comes to see them. The young man too much in love so he looses his head and goes directly to the nest of vampires.
Human Target
A detective goes undercover in a small Russian town.
Vera – The Hard Way to Enlightenment
The Thirteenth Apostle
Russian adaptation of Ray Bradbury's "The Martian Chronicles"
На исходе ночи
Snake Catcher
Based on the novel of the same name by Lazar Karelin. The former director of a large deli Pavel Shorokhov, having returned from prison and not received the expected reception from his wife, who forbade him to see his son, temporarily settles with Kotov, the owner of the lists of participants in the unaccounted goods movement system. Kotov, who is near death, transfers lists to Shorokhov and thereby puts him at risk from former accomplices. But Shorokhov breaks the pledge circle...
He Stands in a Desert Counting the Seconds of His Life
A film collage tracing the story of the lives, loves, and deaths within the artistic community surrounding Jonas Mekas.
Cry of a Dolphin
Bar-Mattay, professor, psychologist (voiced by Yuri Chekulaev)
The crew of the new American strategic missile submarine "Archelon" is struck by an unknown virus. The command must decide on removing the submarine from combat duty and sending the crew to quarantine.
Guest from Vilnius
Pranas, now a celebrity singer, returns to his homeland from a big city. He is greeted at the airport and driven to his native village by a childhood friend Jonas, who works there as a doctor.
Детский мир
Михаил Петрович Распоркин
Niccolo Paganini
Biopic sobre Niccolo Paganini. Recibe formación de su padre en la primera infancia. Los mejores maestros de Parma son incapaces de darle más, por lo que Paganini recurre a 15 horas diarias de riguroso autoformación. Realiza sensacionales giras de conciertos en Viena, París, Londres y muchas otras ciudades de Europa. Siempre está jugando de memoria, vestido de negro, y su apariencia en el escenario respalda los rumores de sus habilidades sobrenaturales. Es un hombre rico, pero el juego y los gastos imprudentes lo obligan a empeñar su violín. Un rico oyente le regala un violín Guarneri para que lo conserve. Posteriormente regala este violín a la ciudad de Génova. Leonid Kogan toca el violín de Paganini en esta película.
Facts is a dramatization of a massacre in a Lithuanian village during World War II when Nazis rounded up over 100 men, women, and children accused of partisan activity and then torched the houses in which they were held. Using Russian interrogations of a few survivors, the testimony of villagers, and some of the Germans responsible for the killing, the film gradually reconstructs the event and its context.
A young boy Andrius learns a magic words which open a door to another world.
The Centaurs
The President
The story takes place in an unnamed Latin Country.
The Adventures of Prince Florisel
Ник Николс, "Председатель"
A mostly comical tale of all-powerful and wealthy Bavarian prince adventures that started when prince was seeking to deal with the boredom. Joining the Club of Suicide society, he uncovered the mastermind criminal behind it, and vowed to get rid of him by any means necessary, following deaths of several servants when dreaded president of club makes dashing escape. During that point, story changes into nearly second movie, as prince has to uncover yet another crime.
Where have you been, Odysseus?
A story of a Soviet spy working in Grance during WWII.
Cash Collector's Bag
Aleksey Tulyakov
Two cash collectors are found burned with their car but the bag is missing. Two detectives - Aleksandr Sanin and Aleksey Tulyakov are investigating the crime.
Mama, I’m Alive
In a Russian POW camp, four Germans determined to end WWII agree to pose as Red Army soldiers. Are they patriots or traitors, heroes or opportunists? Although they go to the frontlines, their new Russian comrades are initially unsure whether to trust them. Three of them then accept a mission behind German lines, but they are unprepared to fire upon their countrymen and it ends up costing the life of a Russian soldier. In the meantime, the fourth man has fallen in love with Russian radio operator Svetlana. After being criticized by the other Russians, he too agrees to participate in the mission..
Жизнь и смерть Фердинанда Люса
Armed and Very Dangerous
Gabriel Conroy
America’s Wild West of the last third of the 19th century. Thousands of people rushed here in pursuit of enrichment. Among them was Gabriel Conroy, a man absolutely helpless in the world of business. When fountains of oil started gushing on his plot of land, the local moneybags Peter Damphy decided to appropriate the land, and succeeded in it by blackmailing Conroy’s wife and his former mistress Julie... Based upon stories by Francis Bret Harte.
Beethoven – Tage aus einem Leben
Ludwig van Beethoven
Vienna, 1813-1819: Beethoven (played by Donatas Banionis) is at the peak of his fame. Orchestras all over the world play his music, but he lives modestly and is dependent upon private patrons. Nagged by his patronizing brothers, spied upon by officials for his republican beliefs and faced by his progressive hearing loss, the composer becomes more and more isolated. Seeman’s poetic film explores the joys, heartbreak and artistic spirit of the great composer as he works on his Ninth Symphony.
Escape of Mr. McKinley
мистер Мак-Кинли
A man decides to escape into the future by the way of hibernation. When he wakes up, feeling lucky that the experiment worked out well, the staff of the hibernation company politely walks him to the outside were he finds a post atomic war desert… He wakes up! Thank God it was just a dream! Or was it?
This story is told by academician S. Yuryshev, Director of the Institute of applied biochemistry. The events in it are developing in 20 years during the Civil war, when he sent a geologist searching for copper in the coal mines of the merchant Stasova, and in the 70s, when the head of the Institute. His thoughts and actions as if he reconciles his past, revolutionary romanticism 20-h his life's work was the discovery of a new chemical element. He believes in getting it even when the explosion in the laboratory takes the life of his closest friend and colleague, when his grown-up adopted son, becoming also a chemist, suffered during the experiments. Believe when testing on military ground again fail…
The Commander of the Lucky 'Pike'
Viktor Sherknis
1942, Polar region. The Germans are preparing to capture Murmansk. The submarine Sch-721 is considered lucky, and its captain Aleksei Strogov has the ability to extricate himself from the most difficult situations. He also develops tactics for a periscope-free torpedo attack, despite the skepticism of colleagues and management. And now, when the Happy "Pike" had to take on board the crew of another Soviet submarine, and she was on the seabed with almost no oxygen, Aleksei manages to save people and perform the operation, paying for it with his life...
Капитан Джек
Kris Kelvin
Un científico es enviado a la estación espacial de un remoto planeta cubierto de agua para investigar la misteriosa muerte de un médico. Adaptación del clásico de ciencia-ficción del escritor polaco Stanislaw Lem.
Goya: Or the Hard Way to Enlightenment
As a painter in the court of King Carlos IV, Goya has attained wealth and reputation. He believes in King and Church, yet he is also a Spaniard who dearly loves his people. This contradiction presents him with a dilemma.
Красный дипломат
Savva Morozov
El rey Lear
King Lear, old and tired, divides his kingdom among his daughters, giving great importance to their protestations of love for him. When Cordelia, youngest and most honest, refuses to idly flatter the old man in return for favor, he banishes her and turns for support to his remaining daughters. But Goneril and Regan have no love for him and instead plot to take all his power from him. In a parallel, Lear's loyal courtier Gloucester favors his illegitimate son Edmund after being told lies about his faithful son Edgar. Madness and tragedy befall both ill-starred fathers.
La tienda roja
Adalberto Mariano
Umberto Nobile (Peter Finch) fue el comandante del dirigible "Italia", que en 1928 voló hacia el Polo Norte y se estrelló, causando un reguero de víctimas mortales. Los fantasmas de los que fallecieron se le aparecen ahora para recordarle su culpabilidad y lo que debía haber hecho tanto antes como después del accidente, durante las labores de rescate de la tripulación.
The Dead Season
Konstantin Ladeinikov
Soviet spy Ladeynikov learns that in one of the pharmaceutical centers in a small resort town works a former German war criminal Dr. Hass, who is finishing the creation of a deadly chemical gas RH development of which he began during WW2 experimenting on war prisoners. Since Ladeynikov doesn't know Dr. Hass's appearance, Soviet intelligence recruits an actor, Ivan Savushkin, who during the war escaped from a prison camp where Hass was testing his gas. Together they must identify and stop him before he finishes and unleashes his weapon of mass destruction.
Operation 'Trust'
Eduard Ottovich Staunits
A story about CHeKa operation against a foreign spies during the early years of Soviet Russia.
Житие и вознесение Юрася Братчика
The Little Prince
Based on the classic novella, "Le petit prince", by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
Cuidado con el coche
La película trata sobre un héroe que es un agente de seguros que también es un ladrón de coches. Roba coches sólo a ladrones y nunca a la gente buena; para luego vender esos mismos coches robados y darle todo el dinero a la caridad. Su mejor amigo es un policía que está trabajando en esos robos.Sátira del cine negro americano.
Nobody Wanted to Die
The film is set in Lithuania after the Second World War. It shows dramatic events in a small Lithuanian farming community, where people are split between the Soviets and the "brothers in the woods", who are fighting to defend their land from the Soviets after the end of the Second World War.
March, march! Tra-ta-ta!
Major Varnalesa
Directed by Raimondas Vabalas, an eccentric and buffoonish tragicomedy and a satirical pamphlet, making fun of chauvinism and petty politicians.
Chronicle of One Day
An academic heads to Leningrad to attend the funeral of an old friend.
Adam Wants to Be a Man
In a pre-WWII Lithuanian town, occupied with unemployed workers and crooks of various kinds, lives Adam, a naive young man with no job and a lot of dreams. His closest friend is the Captain, an old sea wolf with many tales to tell about Singapore, Hawaii and other equally exotic and sunny places. Inspired by his stories, Adam manages to get a job in an emigration bureau and starts saving for his ticket to leave abroad.
Nephew of Petras
The poor Melnik family lives in Zarasai region. Elder Mary parents struggle to send Marry to school but they did this anyway. The horizons of the girl, who until then had learned only from the old grandfather Peter, are spreading there, she, as if seeing herself in her place, tells the class about the legendary hero of Lithuanian history Grazina. Deprivation prevents Maryte from graduating, so she starts working in a candy factory where she hears political inferences. 1940, Vilnius is returned to Lithuania. Maryte, her best friend Elena and a group of young people in national costumes get ready to walk to the capital. In the periphery, the Bolsheviks remember the land of the rich, distribute it to the poor, and Mary dreams of continuing her studies and becoming a doctor. The dream is interrupted by the outbreak of World War II.