Heather Mathieson

Heather Mathieson


Heather Mathieson


Me & Mrs. Jones
Tracy Wainwright is a young graphic artist at an Internet company in San Francisco. Mrs. Jones, the company's hard-as-nails CEO, takes a liking to Tracy and begins to seduce him by giving him lavish gifts while he becomes her personal love slave. When Tracy meets the love of his life, Desiree, he ultimately must choose between the two women.
Eternamente comprometidos
Female Justice of the Peace
Justo un año después de que el prometedor cocinero Tom Solomon conociese a Violet Barnes, la sorprende con un anillo de compromiso. Tom y Violet están destinados a vivir felices para siempre, pero una cadena de sucesos inesperados, trabajos y viajes sigue retrasando la fecha en la que deben ir juntos al altar para casarse.
The Full Picture
Like many guys, Mark Foster struggles with commitment, but given his past, he has good reason. Fifteen years ago, his parents' scandalous divorce grabbed the public's attention and shattered Mark's ideas about marriage. Even worse, Mark and his charismatic brother, Hal, were forced to pick sides and to this day, disagree over whom to fault. Unfortunately, Mark has never shared any of this with his unsuspecting girlfriend, Erika, who is about to meet Mark's embittered, camera-happy mother, Gretchen, for the first time. As Mark desperately struggles to keep his family's sordid history under wraps, during a long, awkward weekend, past issues resurface that force Mark to confront the thing he fears the most...his own lies. (Jon Bowden)
La hermandad 3: Jóvenes demonios
Un grupo de jóvenes estudiantes, deciden jugar a un juego del rol (El príncipe de las Tinieblas). Uno de los chicos trae un libro de magia negra, para invocar a los espíritus. Lo que no saben es que despertarán al mismísimo demonio.
Phase IV
Carla Tate
Journalism student Simon Tate thinks it's strange when four students at the university suddenly die in "unrelated" accidents. When his friend, Dr. Benjamin Roanic, becomes the prime suspect and is suddenly murdered, Simon sets out to prove his innocence. He soon discovers the students were Roanic's test subjects in a secret drug test program, and had been cured of AIDS. He is forced to run for his life, when a pharmaceutical company tries to prevent him from revealing the truth behind "Phase IV".
Bandits (Bandidos)
Debbie Days
Dos hombres, el irresisitible Joe (Bruce Willis) y su hipocondriaco socio Terry (Billy Bob Thornton) se fugan de la cárcel dispuestos a asaltar sucursales bancarias. Una aburrida ama de casa (Cate Blanchett) que quiere escapar de su rutinaria vida se une a ellos.
En lo más profundo
Sue Lloyd
Una mujer encubre un asesinato para proteger a su hijo adolescente de verse implicado. Pero alguien lo sabe, la información vale dinero y el precio del silencio será aún mayor. Un thriller que obtuvo el aplauso de la crítica.