Euphoria brings together two intersecting road stories about the same person - a little girl called Lily who is taken away from home by her mother Celeste, and a young woman, Michelle, who journeys home to unravel the truth about her mysterious past.
Lydia #3
Un asesino en serie tiene atemorizada a la ciudad. Una espectadora inocente presencia su último ataque, pero al huir cae de un puente quedando inconsciente. Cuando despierte en el hospital, no puede reconocer a su propia familia, ni a su novio, ni siquiera su propio reflejo en el espejo. Se le acaba diagnosticando prosopagnosia, un desorden neurológico real causado por una lesión en el lóbulo temporal que impide comparar la cara que estamos viendo con otra cara almacenada en la memoria, con lo que ella es incapaz de reconocer la misma cara dos veces, cada vez que mira a alguien es como si fuera nuevo para ella. Pero ella es la única testigo y el asesino está al acecho.
Bunky's Mom
Bunky Blum is picked on in school. His only peace comes during lunch hour, when he and his mentally ill Mother eat McDonalds and visit a talking train named Train. The 83 year-old train is now a caged monument in the center of a children's park. However, Bunky believes that the train will break out of its confines and save him from the bullies of the schoolyard. When Bunky realizes that the train is not magical, all hope is lost and Bunky has a moral melt down. In a fit of rage, Bunky punches a girl in a wheelchair. The unsympathetic move lands Bunky on the losing end of a full out brawl. Bunky's Mother witnesses the schoolyard violence and she erupts into her own fit of rage, which ultimately sends her back to the psych ward. In the end, Bunky is left without hope, without family and without security. He returns to the old train to make a final plea for vengeance. But Bunky's giant steal savior has not come for vengeance. Rather, it offers Bunky what he needs, a shush of peace.