Momchil Bozhkov


Sound Editor
Hicran runs away from home when she is forced into an engagement with Rıza by her father. Rıza, who thinks that Hicran doesn't want to be with him, doesn't care at first. But when it begins to bother him, he decides to confront the situation and embarks on a long search for her in Istanbul.
Sound Recordist
Hicran runs away from home when she is forced into an engagement with Rıza by her father. Rıza, who thinks that Hicran doesn't want to be with him, doesn't care at first. But when it begins to bother him, he decides to confront the situation and embarks on a long search for her in Istanbul.
The Cars We Drove into Capitalism
Sound Mixer
A cinematic, character-driven insight to what it meant to produce and to own a car in communist times: the Socialist propaganda dreams and the hard reality of living that dream. The freedom that these slow and clumsy vehicles were giving to their owners; the cars as an instrument in the Cold War battle; legends and homemade tune-ups as an attempt to stand at least a little bit off the crowd.
The Sweetest Thing
Sound Designer
Europe was still split in two — the Berlin wall separated families, friends, relatives. The wall, built by people to divide people, was more than a physical barrier. East of it there was a regime restricting freedom of speech, access to education and information and career opportunities. It made simple things, such as the movie you are now going to watch, unthinkable. Those times are gone, but must not be forgotten.
Irina es camarera a tiempo parcial en una pequeña ciudad búlgara. El mismo día en que la despiden, su marido sufre un grave accidente. Están sumidos en la pobreza. Irina decide convertirse en un vientre de alquiler o madre surrogada. Las peleas, la desesperación y el bebé que crece en su vientre sacuden su vida.
Palace for the People
Sound Designer
The life and death of socialist architectural monsters. An epic fairy-tale in five chapters.
Lift for Patients
Sound Recordist
In hopes that they can help each other, a psychiatrist arranges for a suicidal young man and a terminally ill woman to meet.
Sound Mixer
Set in early 19th century Wallachia, Romania, a policeman, Costandin, is hired by a nobleman to find a Gypsy slave who has run away from his estate after having an affair with his wife.
The Last Black Sea Pirates
Sound Designer
This is a modern pirate story complete with a captain, a mutinous crew of outlaws, a princess, her wedding dress and untold riches. Only one thing is missing: the ship. According to legend, Vulchan, a 19th-century gypsy pirate, attacked three convoys laden with gold. He robbed them, sunk them and hid his treasure by the coast. Fast forward to present day. Captain Jack, an ex-con himself, leads a motley bunch of homeless outcasts—alcoholics and petty criminals—in a search for the hidden loot. But their hopes of riches and glory are threatened when the brother of the Bulgarian Prime Minister announces plans to build a new mega tourist resort by the Black Sea.
Eastern Plays
Sound Mixer
Two estranged brothers are brought together when they have opposite roles in a racist beating: while Georgi who's recently joined a neo-nazi group participates in the violence, Hristo witnesses and rescues a Turkish family. Only by reuniting will the two brothers be able to assess what they really want from life.
Basilisco: El rey de la serpiente
Boom Operator
Cuando un arqueólogo llamado Harrison McColl y su socio descubren un antiguo tesoro en Libia, y deciden llevárselo a su museo de Colorado, desatan la furia de un monstruo mitológico con forma de serpiente capaz de petrificar a las personas, un Basilisco. La serpiente es guardiana de la reliquia y no parará hasta recuperarla. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mila from Mars
Sound Mixer
Fleeing an abusive relationship, Mila, a teen prostitute, finds herself in a border town, pregnant, alone, and, to her surprise, welcome. The remote village is on a marijuana plantation run by a group of elderly men and women. Not having known much kindness, she goes into emotional hiding, but by the time the baby is born she has a new life and love. Her past, however, is not far behind