In Chengdu, China, a retired female opera singer named Master Chang takes in a trio of young tenants into her boarding home. The tenants include a rock singer and a college student who has run away from home.
Shanghai, 1942. La ciudad está ocupada por los japoneses. La señora Mak, una mujer rica y sofisticada, recuerda cómo empezó todo en 1938. Su verdadero nombre no es Mak, sino Wong Chia Chi. Poco antes de estallar la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), su padre huyó a Inglaterra y la dejó en China. Era estudiante universitaria y conoció a Kuang Yu Min, que acababa de fundar una compañía de teatro para fomentar el patriotismo. Wong Chia Chi se convirtió en la primera actriz de la compañía. Kuang, por su parte, convenció a un grupo de estudiantes para que asesinaran al señor Yee, un importante colaborador de los japoneses. Wong Chia Chi colaboró en el plan haciéndose pasar por la señora Mak: su cometido era hacerse amiga de la mujer de Yee para ganarse la confianza de éste y seducirlo. Todo iba sucediendo según lo previsto, hasta que se produjo un acontecimiento inesperado.
Anna & Anna is a movie about a Singaporean arts saleswoman / alpha female and her subdued doppelganger. Anna One (the arts saleswoman) is very successful in her job, and gets posted to Shanghai, where she used to live before. There, by a coincidence, she finds another woman who not only like her but IS her - Anna Two. This Anna has finished her studies, become a painter, and stayed with Oulang, a depressed musician - the life as Anna One's could have been, had she made another decision at one point of her life.
Ashima is a brave and beautiful girl of the Sani people, beloved by all. One day as she is down at the lake to fetch water, she hears the sound of a shepherd's flute coming from the hills across the lake. She replies in song.