Kristopher Baldwin


Green Lantern: Cuidado con mi poder
Simulation & Effects Artist
El francotirador de la Marina recién dado de baja, John Stewart, se encuentra en una encrucijada en su vida, que solo se complica al recibir un anillo extraterrestre que le otorga los poderes de la Linterna Verde de la Tierra. Desafortunadamente, el anillo no viene con instrucciones, pero sí con equipaje, como una horda de asesinos interplanetarios empeñados en eliminar a todos los Green Lantern del universo. Ahora, con la ayuda del alegre Green Arrow, Adam Strange y Hawkgirl, este soldado reacio debe viajar al corazón de una guerra galáctica entre Rann y Thanagar y de alguna manera tener éxito donde todos los demás Green Lanterns han fracasado.
The Life & Crimes of Doris Payne
Visual Effects
How does a poor, single, African-American mother from segregated 1950s America wind up as one of the worlds most notorious jewel thieves? A glamorous 81-year-old, Doris Payne is as unapologetic today about the nearly $2 million in jewels shes stolen over a 60-year career as she was the day she stole her first carat. With Payne now on trial for the theft of a department store diamond ring, filmmakers Kirk Marcolina and Matthew Pond probe beneath her consummate smile to uncover the secrets of her trade and what drove her to a life of crime. Stylish recreations, an extensive archive and candid interviews reveal how Payne managed to jet-set her way into any Cartier or Tiffanys from Monte Carlo to Japan and walk out with small fortunes. This sensational portrait exposes a rebel who defies societys prejudices and pinches her own version of the American Dream while she steals your heart.