Feature-length adaptation of the ventriloquist duo.
Grégoire Beaulieu learns that he has a twin brother: Anthony Girard. Gregoire is bourgeois, ambitious and promised to a great career, Anthony has no prospect and lives of shenanigans. The two brothers couldn’t be more opposite. Especially when one is white and the other is black !
When their father dies, Louise, Fabien, and Estelle feel helpless as they confront the task of taking care of their schizophrenic brother Jacques. For Louise, the experience will be life-changing.
En el año 2045, la humanidad ha cedido la mayoría de las tareas a loa robots, incluso en la casa de la anticuada Alice. Cuando los robots se rebelan contra la humanidad, sus androides cierran las puertas de la casa y la encierran con todos los que están dentro, para protegerlos.
Esther está al final de su carrera como jefa de costureras en el taller de Dior Avenue Montaigne. Un día, una mujer de 20 años, Jade, le roba el bolso en el metro. En lugar de llamar a la policía, decide hacerse cargo de Jade.
Carole Pertini
La vida de Luc Germon, un famoso abogado de gran reputación, se ve trastocada cuando acepta a un nuevo cliente, Gilles Fontaine, uno de los empresarios más poderosos de Francia. A este le acusan de comprar una propiedad en circunstancias sospechosas, y deberá confiar en las habilidades de Germon para librarle del caso, pero poco a poco, los aliados empezarán a convertirse en enemigos...
Maître Monique Delatour
Maud es arquitecta y madre. Debido a un malentendido, gana el concurso para restaurar el parvis de Notre-Dame. Dividida entre estas responsabilidades y los problemas amorosos, atravesará una tormenta emocional.
Claire, una profesora divorciada en la cincuentena, se crea un perfil falso de Facebook de una chica de 24 años. Encuentra una foto de una chica guapa en internet y dice que es ella. Al principio lo hizo para espiar a su amante ocasional Jo, pero una día en la red social pide amistad al mejor amigo de Jo, Chris, y éste acepta. Los dos empiezan a intercambiar mensajes y su amistad virtual evoluciona en una falsa historia de amor. Claire se enamora de Chris, y él está enamorado de ese perfil falso. Pero ahora Chris quiere quedar con esa belleza de 24 años con la que ha estado chateando. Ella alude a su gran carga de trabajo, sus viajes profesional e incluso a un ex con problemas de celos. Cuanto más enamorados están más insostenible se vuelve la relación. Claire se debate entre la imposibilidad de este amor y el dolor de tener que admitir la verdad y perderlo todo.
Gabriel can't resist a beautiful woman. But his womanizing attitude is taking a toll on his career and social life. He decides to hire a life coach to help him.
Lady with little dog
Neïla Salah es una joven del extrarradio parisino que sueña con ser abogada. Se ha matriculado en la facultad de Derecho más importante de París, pero el primer día de clase Neïla tiene un enfrentamiento con Pierre Mazard, un profesor conocido por ser provocativo y por hablar fuera de tono. Para redimirse, el profesor propone a Neïla ayudarla a preparar una importante prueba a nivel nacional. Aunque cínico y exigente, Pierre sería la ayuda ideal que Neïla está necesitando... Pero para ello tendrán que empezar los dos por superar una serie de prejuicios.
Mme Boutros, the neighbor
Around teatime, Mr. Kaplan's doorbell rings. This is Jean who appears behind the door, a visit he had stopped waiting for long ago...
A forest full of animated animals encourage a pair of snails, who are fully clad in black because they are in mourning for a dead leaf, to celebrate the new spring and reclaim the colors of life. Based on the children's poem by Jacques Prévert entitled "Chanson des escargots qui font à l'enterrement" ("Song of the snails who are on their way to a funeral").
Emile Dutilleul, 47 years old, lives a quiet and withdrawn life in Montmartre and works as an employee in an open-plan office with an insurance company. When he meets his new, lively colleague Ariane, Emile discovers not only his inner life, but also something monstrous. He has a superpower of which he had no idea: he can walk through walls ...
En las sesiones con su terapeuta, Yvan comparte historias sobre antisemitismo y cómo es la vida de un judío en la Francia actual.
Fabienne Letourneau
Jerome Varenne (Mathieu Amalric) es un financiero francés que vive en Shanghái con su compañera sentimental y profesional Chen-Li (Gemma Chan). En un breve viaje de negocios a París, se entera por su madre y su hermano de que la casa de su infancia se va a vender. Para impedirlo y saber de primera mano qué es lo que realmente está ocurriendo decide ir al pueblo. Lo que no sabe es que ese viaje cambiará para siempre el curso de su vida.
Annette, 38, answers an ad from Paul, a farmer. She has only met him twice when she and her son Eric move in with him in the dead of winter. There Annette has to face Paul's hostile sister and her own past, which soon catches up with her.
One of the misfortunes of Boris Vian - and a misfortune for those who love him - is to be born and especially to be dead a bit too soon to have known the new wave. We saw him actor in "A pocket love" and "The Bel Age", Pierre Kast, in "Dangerous Liaisons 1960", Roger Vadim, where he held the role of Prévan, which was like a glove . His friend Prévert had designed him the cardinal's role in "Notre-Dame de Paris" by Delannoy. But never did Boris dare to put on the stage what he had written for the screen: he believed the thing impossible. An episode from the tv-mini-series "Collection rue des ravissantes: Boris Vian fait son cinéma."
Dumped by Juliette, Marcel decides to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. Philippe, a passer-by, stops him and proposes him a deal. Marcel finds himself obliged to follow his saviour to his huge house, to serve him and give help in many ways... Will the saved rescue the saviour?
Dominique Broux
Serge Renart, a television journalist who's now a has-been, and Natacha Bison, a war reporter who has been laid off because she posed too much of a danger to her colleagues, find themselves forced to investigate a story together, which will take them to Thailand, in search of one of the best kept secrets of contemporary history.
What really happened during the televised broadcast of the Apollo 11 mission, when man first walked on the moon?
Fabienne Lavial
A romantic comedy about two Parisian therapists who are so obsessed about getting into the sack with anyone they meet, they can’t ever get it on with each other.
Employée Sécu
Muzafar y Feruz son dos amables pastores de Taboulistan, un minúsculo país del Asia Central, inexistente para el resto del mundo. Con el fin de que se conozca su país en el exterior, se les encomienda la misión de su vida: Destruir la Torre Eiffel.
Emmanuelle Teziev
From their daughters' menstruation to the birth of their dog, everything seems to be under control for Emanuele and Olivier. This morning, however, their youngest daughter Lea hasn't come down for breakfast. In her bed the parents and Emilie, their eldest, discover to their horror a monstrous cocoon. Gradually chaos takes over.
Edwige lives alone in a house in Normandy and works as a maid. Her only companion is her loneliness. One day she meets a man in one of the rooms of the small hotel...
Suzanne Dhrey
La familia es complicada... Sobre todo cuando Eli, el padre, 60 años, está esperando un hijo de su nueva esposa. Al anuncio de la noticia, sus dos hijas adultas, Dom, que quiere adoptar, y Justine, que salta de un novio a otro sin demasiados escrúpulos, se derrumban.
Jean is on witness protection waiting for trial in a hotel. Arthur, the cop that has him on custody, gets paranoid and bring Jean to his sister's house.
The Mother
A mother and her two daughters cross the banks of the North in search of a beach where the elder daughter left her best memories.
Un grupo de policías corruptos asaltan un edificio en ruinas situado en un empobrecido suburbio de París, decididos a vengar salvajemente la muerte de uno de ellos, asesinado por la despiadada banda criminal escondida en lo alto de un oscuro laberinto que se convertirá en una trampa mortal cuando los vivos, inesperadamente convertidos en muertos por una misteriosa plaga, comiencen a devorar el mundo.
Trapped in an old folks home where people keep going missing, an ex-cop must overcome his Alzheimers to find out who is killing people in this jigsaw thriller.
París, año 2020. El teniente David Hoffman vuelve a reincorporarse al servicio en la Policía Europea para atrapar a un peligroso criminal, sospechoso del asesinato de su esposa meses atrás. Una complicada investigación acaba conduciéndole hasta una misteriosa clínica privada, dirigida por el imperturbable Profesor Brügen. En un mundo donde el "pasado" puede ser implantado en el centro neurálgico del cerebro, los recuerdos se han convertido en un bien muy codiciado…
Anne Mercadier
Eric and Sarah are detectives who are investigating the murder of a professor which it seems like a gay hate crime. Married Eric becomes attracted to the pathologist, Emmanuel.
After the death of his musician wife, Franck, a septuagenarian hellenist, feels lost. His friend Max, a womanizer, and his daughter Sabine successively welcome him to their home, but it is his meeting with Suzanne that will give him a taste for life. She is not of his world, nor of his age, but she will be his last love.
A group of friends blessed with the privileges of birth and status are about to leave for a short break. Carl is the first to arrive and discovers that the four-star hotel they've booked is nothing more than an ordinary family pension. This means the beginning of social clashes and unexpected approaches.
Once upon a time, somewhere... a homeless guy finds a policeman's uniform...
Madame Guibal
Three disparate people meet in a bizarre skiing accident: an alcoholic doctor who has just been left by his wife, a beautiful but directionless woman, and the bumbling Algerian man who caused the accident. They become fond of each other, and of liquor.
Colette, lovely and vulnerable prostitute, accepts to take care of her unknown colleague's boy. She, herself, needs a child to make her loved ex return to her. So she's having two problems to solve at one time - to find a suitable "father" of her kid and to get off hand of Billy. Meanwhile, the relationship between Colette and Billy is developing, you just don't know in which way. Then, when she cannot get rid of Billy and realizes her ex has another women, the things between "Billy et Colette" are now quite transparent.
This way-offbeat comedy from Gallic director Jeanne Labrune concerns two young French women, best friends Léa and Jacinthe. While Jacinthe develops a fixation with the moths that begin to cluster in frightening quantities throughout her apartment, Léa finds herself drawn to a dim-witted fellow employed by a local supermarket, then impulsively decides to follow him home via train. When Léa mysteriously disappears during the days that follow, Jacinthe naturally grows concerned about her friend and decides to investigate.
Después del asalto a tres de sus furgones en un solo año, una modesta empresa de seguridad se encuentra al borde de la quiebra. Su única salida es fusionarse con una gran empresa americana. El problema es que los trabajadores temen que la fusión implique una reducción de la plantilla. Por eso, cuando se incorpora a la empresa el misterioso Alexandre Demarre, todo el mundo sospecha que es un espía contratado por los americanos.
Odile is 42 years old actress and single mother. One day her 18 year old daughter decided to leave her and start living with the boyfriend. All of a sudden alone in her empty house, the anguish takes over...
Isabelle de Ventadour
11th Century AD. In a world that burns with the heat of battle, a world torn apart by Crusades, one knight traverses the desolate wastes laid bare by bloody conflict. Prepare yourself for a descent into a brutal hell, where armies clash and blood flows like rivers, and where a sharp blade is the only means of defense against an army of evil.
Amelie no es una chica como las demás. Ha visto a su pez de colores deslizarse hacia las alcantarillas municipales, a su madre morir en la plaza de Notre-Dame y a su padre dedicar todo su afecto a un gnomo de jardín. De repente, a sus veintidós años, descubre su objetivo en la vida: arreglar la vida de los demás. A partir de entonces, inventa toda clase de estrategias para intervenir, sin que se den cuenta, en la existencia de varias personas de su entorno. Entre ellas está su portera, que pasa los días bebiendo vino de Oporto; Georgette, una estanquera hipocondríaca: o "el hombre de cristal", un vecino que sólo ve el mundo a través de la reproducción de un cuadro de Renoir.
An elderly couple and a younger man and woman follow up failed seduction attempts with conversation about love and the meaning of life.
Maverick director Melvin Van Peebles translates his own satirical novel to the screen with this multi-national portrait of race, class, and hypocrisy. The film's title refers to the name of a haute cuisine restaurant run by a self-satisfied conservative couple, Henri and Loretta. When the two find themselves overworked in the kitchen, they retreat to the local orphanage to find some cheap waitressing help, and the teenaged Diamantine fits the bill perfectly. The haughty couple has more plans for the girl than just waiting tables, however -- the conspicuously accommodating Henri and Loretta are actually bad-mouthing the girl behind her back to the townspeople and the restaurant's patrons. They go so far as to ask the naive Diamantine to pretend that she's pregnant, and she complies under the assumption that it's a harmless prank. When their intentions are revealed, however, the girl becomes wise to the couple's self-satisfied scheming, and sets her sights on revenge.
Mlle Guerensky
The victim of a serious accident, Camille finds himself in a strange, huge, rehabilitation centre run by Professor Helpos. He soon teams up with a group calling themselves "the wreckers" and who make their own rules, ignoring those of the medical establishment.
Chloé Duval
A playwright of note, Darius developed a drinking problem after his first major hit, and has taken time out from writing his follow-up to go to a clinic and dry out. After his release, Darius finds his producer has hired a leading lady for his next show, booked the theater and advertised the starting date -- all without Darius writing so much as a word of this new play. Darius desperately tries to come up with ideas, but nothing comes to mind, with an inflexible deadline staring him in the face. One day, Darius kills a neighbor's cat by accident; terribly depressed, he swallows some sedatives and falls asleep at his computer -- only to awake with the beginning of his play glowing on the screen. Darius is now convinced he must kill in order to create, and starts murdering an ever-expanding variety of creatures in order to satisfy his now bloodthirsty muse.
Bernie, un huérfano de treinta años, zafio y neurótico, abandona el orfanato donde lleva trabajando desde los dieciocho años. Su objetivo es descubrir la verdad acerca de su nacimiento. Para ello roba su expediente del Departamento de Asistencia Social y descubre la terrible realidad de que fue encontrado en un cubo de basura.