Svetlana Pismichenko

Svetlana Pismichenko


Svetlana Pismichenko


Seryoga's mother
Yekaterinburg of the 90s. A company of young poets, including the most talented — a junior researcher at the Institute of Geophysics Boris Ryzhy, wanders through the cold and dangerous streets of the city from party to party. Ironic and friendly, he can negotiate with local brothers with equal ease, drive to Moscow for the "Anti-Booker" award, fight at the stall and crash into the department.
ФиксиКИНО. Вселенная приключений
Fixies tell where books come from and how headphones help to write a dictation. Riki and Tyra hatch their dreams and have a carnivorous flower at home. Smeshariki will learn the secret of strong friendship and teach Pin to fly. And Bodo Borodo will go to conquer high waves and watch cartoons at the animation festival.
FiksiKINO. Big Change
The Fixies, Kikoriki and Bodo Borodo will have to figure out together what it means to "spin like a squirrel in a wheel", how to store memorabilia so as not to clutter up your home, and they will also learn several important ways how not to get overcooled in the heat and not get sick, and much, much other.
Liver, or Story of a Startup
1990s. Three friends Vova, Mamed and Lyokha go to school and dream, like everyone else in Russia at this time, to open their own business. But first you need money. Everything seemed to be going well, but they were not allowed to the final exams. His Majesty the case in the image of the regional semi-criminal authority Kostik comes to the aid of aspiring entrepreneurs. Kostya's liver has rotted - he needs a new one. Young businessmen get the coveted organ, but only with it, with this organ, it is not so simple.
Alexey Balabanov. Find Your Own and Calm Down
His motto was laconic: "I promised - stay still." This is how Alexei Balabanov lived, raised his sons, was friends, and so filmed. A legendary director and an extraordinary person who made both "festival" and "mass" films with equal ease. He was a great father and a difficult husband, a loyal friend and an honest guy. Balabanov with his life, passions, losses, burning pain on the way to God in the memories of those closest to him - mother, sons, wife and friends. He seems to be telling the crew again: "Let's do it talentedly!"
Kikoriki. DejaVu
Нюша, озвучка
Krash decide dar una fiesta de cumpleaños a su amigo Barry y para ello contrata a la Agencia DejaVu. Pero ocurre un accidente y los Kikoriki separan al grupo en el tiempo. Krash tendrá que localizar y recuperar a sus amigos entre diferentes épocas con la ayuda de su alter ego surgido de la ruptura del espacio-tiempo.
Pioneer Heroes
Olga, Katya, and Andrey have known each other since childhood. They moved to Moscow many years ago and have become successful. Olga is an actress, Katya works for a large-scale PR agency, and Andrey is a political analyst. They buy cars, take mortgages, build country houses. Just like everybody else. But their lives bring them neither happiness nor content. The feeling of "something's not right but I can't put my finger on it" underpins the lives of today's thirty-year-olds. Their childhood took place during the Soviet era, when kids dreamed of becoming heroes, believed in spy stories and a bright future. Yet nobody expected that the dream of becoming a hero would be replaced by the dream of stable and predictable existence. People have stopped dreaming of truly grand things. They just play their roles.
I Will Grant You Love
Татьяна Ивановна
Boris is called up for military service in a "hot spot". His bride Larissa, soon receives a letter stating that he was missing. A friend of Boris Nikolai, who was secretly in love with Larissa begins aggressively courting her and finally makes a proposal. The girl is forced to accept it. On the eve of her wedding Boris unexpectedly returns. Their feelings for each other are still there, but the young man disappears again ...
Kikoriki. Equipo Invencible
Njusha (voice)
La vida en la isla de Kikoriki es tranquila y todos viven felices en un paraíso alejado de la vida moderna. Pero su pacífica existencia da un giro inesperado cuando descubren un extraño dispositivo del que hasta ahora solo habían oído hablar: la televisión. Aterrados ante las desgracias que ven en un programa, un grupo de amigos kikorikis deciden ir a la gran ciudad y salvar a la humanidad. Solo se les ha olvidado un pequeño detalle: no siempre es cierto todo lo que aparece en televisión.
Смешарики. Избранное. Выпуск 2 (Blu-Ray диск Медиа)
Lyubov Bez Pravil
мама Сергея
Он – звезда театра и кино, его день расписан по минутам – съемки в блокбастерах, главные роли на театральных подмостках, эфиры центральных каналов, фотосессии для обложек гламурных журналов. Она – скромная девочка из провинции, ее участь – быть консьержкой в доме звезд и смотреть на проходящих мимо героев светской хроники из своего закутка. Вроде бы всё у Веры, как у людей, - молодой муж с московской пропиской, ребенок. Казалось, жить бы да радоваться, но на свою беду она встречает Его. Это не коммерческий расчет, это не сиюминутная страсть, а глубокая, жертвенная любовь. Наш фильм – история любви зрелого искушенного актера и юной консьержки-провинциалки. Сможет ли она вернуть герою радость жизни, или изощренный демон погубит юную трепетную душу?
Смешарики. Избранное. Выпуск 1 (Blu-ray диск Медиа)
Pelageya Ivanovna
The year is 1917. We are in the Russian countryside. It is the middle of freezing winter. A pale young, newly educated doctor arrives. Having to deal with one medical challenge after another he soon becomes the center of everyone's attention. To soothe the impressions of human suffering he turns to morphine.
Desmovilizados del ejército, Danila Bagrov regresó a su ciudad natal. Pero la vida aburrida no se ajustaba a su provincia de Rusia, y decidió ir a San Petersburgo, que se rumorea desde hace varios años que prosperan a su hermano mayor. Daniel encontró un hermano. Pero no fue tan fácil - hermano era un asesino ...
The Castle
Closely based on Franz Kafka's book "Das Schloß", the movie shares the same action on a land surveyor who is called to a village to do a job that no one seems to have ordered. Once there, he takes up the struggle against bureaucracy emanating from the castle.
A small provincial town is home to two rival teenage gangs, one devoted to loose living and punk music and the other a collection of narrow-minded bodybuilders obsessed with order and convinced of their own moral rectitude. However, this cosy state of affairs is upset by the arrival of two strangers dressed like Pushkin, the famous early 19th century Russian poet, who proceed to found their own organisation, dedicated ostensibly to the memory of the great writer and the "salvation of Russia". Gradually, they begin to assume control of the town...