Gustavo Silva


Los Jaivas: Todos juntos
Los Jaivas are the most important rock band in the history of Chile. 55 years of music and friendship. Memories emerge note by note, song after song, tour after tour. An intimate portrait of their musical life where for the first time they share their archives that have been accumulated for years on the shelves of a small apartment in Santiago.
Los Jaivas: Todos juntos
Los Jaivas are the most important rock band in the history of Chile. 55 years of music and friendship. Memories emerge note by note, song after song, tour after tour. An intimate portrait of their musical life where for the first time they share their archives that have been accumulated for years on the shelves of a small apartment in Santiago.
El constructor del faro
A young city man joins the construction of a lighthouse in the deep south of Chile. Among rude workers, the only woman in the place will be his best company on this cold and lonely piece of land.
El destello de la luna
A jobless gay actor is offered the dream role of a lifetime in a feature film, but he must play an elderly drag. He will be forced to overcome his fears and prejudices to understand better himself and the others.
Perla: La Película
A female mutt called "Perla" (Pearl) is abandoned by her owner on the top of the San Cristobal hill, in the capital city of Santiago, Chile. Without knowing what to do, soon Perla is part of the huge amount of street city dogs. Until the day she meets Samuel, a troubled man, and they both start the way of mutual recovery.
El final del día
La película se desarrolla el 21 de diciembre de 2012, mientras los habitantes del pueblo de Quillagua esperan el supuesto "fin del mundo" que los mayas predijeron para ese día.
El final del día
La película se desarrolla el 21 de diciembre de 2012, mientras los habitantes del pueblo de Quillagua esperan el supuesto "fin del mundo" que los mayas predijeron para ese día.
Los trapos al sol
Silvana travels to Southern Chile in search of her father, the hours pass and the anxiety increases waiting for his return. Meanwhile, she spends her time daydreaming about the encounter, discovering the imposing place and its people.
Los trapos al sol
Silvana travels to Southern Chile in search of her father, the hours pass and the anxiety increases waiting for his return. Meanwhile, she spends her time daydreaming about the encounter, discovering the imposing place and its people.
Chile /// Mientras intenta superar difíciles pérdidas y complejas situaciones personales, Daniel, un ex fármaco-dependiente, ha comenzado a dibujar su vida por cuenta propia, reflejando lo que ha marcado su presente y el pasado reciente: las constantes infidelidades por parte de Marco, su carismática pareja, y la particular relación que ha entablado con su vecina, la terapeuta Paula. En su nuevo trabajo como dibujante de storyboards en una agencia de publicidad, Daniel conoce a Camila, la directora creativa, quien le dará un nuevo aire a su vida...