Pierre Rochefort

Pierre Rochefort


Pierre Rochefort


Double foyer
Ada is an eight-year-old girl living in a climate of ongoing tension between her parents. One evening, after a particularly heated argument, she witnesses her parents turn into Monsters. Ada will do everything she can to escape them.
Mother Valley
Líbano, verano de 1958. Tres hermanas pertenecientes a la buena sociedad cristiana están de vacaciones en las montañas libanesas. La tranquila vida del pueblo se ve sacudida por los ecos de una revolución que retumba en Beirut y por la llegada de dos veraneantes franceses. Pero es en el seno de la familia donde se produce la agitación. La hermana mayor, Layla, perfecta madre y esposa, abrirá los ojos a la sociedad patriarcal que las mantiene bajo control. En el joven Líbano que sueña con una edad de oro, ¿puede una mujer tener un destino distinto del trazado por los hombres?
The Night of the Glass of Water
Oncle Serge
Long Time No See
Nine years ago, they lived a brief love affair. Now, a chance meeting has them reunite in a train station, in-between two journeys. He is arriving, she is leaving. They have eighty minutes to re-evaluate their lives, face to face with their truths, regrets and memories. This is their last chance.
Deux femmes
Inspecteur Berthelot
In 1965, Monique Case, who claimed her moral freedom, was wrongly accused by misogynist cops. She will be saved from the guillotine by a shy and reserved examining magistrate who chooses to rebel against the machismo of the judicial hierarchy and of the time.
Jean Rochefort, l'irrésistible
If Jean Rochefort remains so dear to our hearts, it is because this extraordinary actor alone embodies a cinema and a France imbued with freedom and carelessness. Through his films, archives and the testimony of those close to him, we discover a complex man, a sad clown saved by his taste for words and for fun.
Mi familia y el lobo
Cuando Hugo, un niño que pasa las vacaciones de verano con sus primos, descubre que el lobo Rong pretende llevarse a su abuela Sara, discurre un plan para salvarla.
I Am Therefore You Are
Our actions have a greater impact than we think.
Croque monsieur
Coco Baisos, a mature woman who likes to lead a big train, finds herself once again a widow, the fifth to be more precise. Bursting with energy and natural optimism, Coco is firmly determined not to be put down by fate. She immediately starts looking for a new companion, preferably a billionaire, so as not to have to give up her habits of luxury and pomp. She would indeed be very unhappy if fate forced her to modify her lifestyle. But the wallets trimmed do not run the streets. This manhunt, longer than expected, will hold many surprises for him ...
Marie and the Misfits
Siméon Forest
"Marie is dangerous", Antoine warns. It hasn't stopped Siméon from dropping everything, or, more precisely, letting go the little that he had, to secretly follow her. Oscar, his roommate, a musician with sleepwalking tendencies, and Antoine, a novelist lacking inspiration, quickly follow in his footsteps. Here they all are at the end of the Earth, which is to say, on an island. It's quite possible that these four are linked by something beyond their comprehension. Perhaps simply a taste for adventure. Or the desire to add some fantasy and a touch of the romantic to their lives.
Our Futures
Yann Kerbec
Yann lleva una vida bastante aburrida, pero todo cambiará cuando se encuentre con un viejo amigo de la escuela secundaria: con él volverá a vivir sus mejores años y se dará cuenta de que debe dar un paso hacia adelante. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un beau dimanche
Baptiste Cambière
Baptiste es un profesor solitario que da clases en el sur de Francia. Durante Pentecostés, Baptiste se ve obligado a lidiar con un alumno olvidado por un padre negligente que se equivocó de fin de semana. Sandra, una hermosa mujer curtida en el ámbito del romance, trabaja en una playa cerca de Montpellier. En su deseo por redimir su intermitencia como madre, Sandra acoge al niño y a Baptiste en un bungaló cerca de la playa.
One Night
Le jeune officier de police
In the harbor city of Le Havre, France, a woman is stabbed during the night, just below the windows of her neighborhood. Pierre (Yvan Attal) has witnessed the murder, and heard the wails of the women crying for help. So have the neighbors, certainly. But at the end, nobody called the police. Nevertheless, sorrows are too heavy for Pierre, which feel the needs to tell everything to his wife (Sophie Quinton), and to the police. During the investigation, it appears that 38 people witnessed the murdering, and none reacted...
Disparition inquiétante; L'Évaporation
Clément Herrmann