Sabine Crossen

Sabine Crossen


Sabine Crossen is a bilingual actress (French mother, American father) who was born in the United States but grew up in NZ. When she was 20 years old she moved to Paris to study acting at the Actorat Dramatic Arts College where she landed her first role playing the Virgin Mary. Sabine's first role in a feature film was playing an Elf in Lord Of The Rings. In 2003 she had her first lead role portraying Kim Lee in the independent feature film Shadow Girl that won several awards; Platinum Award Houston (USA) and Thessaloniki (Greece) Best Image. During this time Sabine was also on the primetime Canal+ Hypershow presenting stars like David Bowie, John Malkovitch, The Cranberries and Adrien Brody. She has written songs for several compilation albums winning 3 gold discs. In 2005 after playing the Rita in Surface Sensible the blockbuster The Brice Man (starring Jean Dujardin star of The Artist) came out where she plays his young mother-in-law. During this time Sabine also presented for the Alcatel web TV filming in France and Spain over several years. 2006 brought In Memoriam II: The Last Ritual (In Memoriam won the 2003 best game award world), which gave her the lead role of Jessica Moses. Filming took place in Canada, USA, Portugal, Scotland and France. Then in 2007 Sabine played the lead female part of the alien Dragonfly Fairy in Car Academy, also interpreting the song "Superman" for the original soundtrack. The DVD won a double diamond disc in France. Sabine then discovered motion capture and had the opportunity to play in several video games; Heavy Rain, Red Steel 2, Lana Del Rey. She then had the privilege of playing June in the game that became the film Hitman with Timothy Olyphant and Olga Kurylenko. 3 years later she seduces Philippe Lellouche and Franck Dubosc in the movie Bienvenue A Bord (Welcome A Bord) In 2012 things start to accelerate for Sabine who flies to Hong Kong and China to film S.O.L.I.I.D a pre-quel for the feature film where she will play the lead of a dangerous android. She then returns to Hong Kong to film the role of Joan in The Borderland starring Seydina Baldé. Back in Paris she films Le Grand Méchant Loup(The Big Bad Wolf) playing a naughty dominatrix and then the role of a reporter in Crossing Lines directed by Daniel Percival and finally a Texan facing Pierce Brosnan and Emma Thompson in The Love Punch. Coming out in 2013. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Denis Planat


Sabine Crossen
Sabine Crossen
Sabine Crossen
Sabine Crossen


Operation Napoleon
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The Moderator
Agent Clair Paxton
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Bienvenue chez Candy
The House of Gaunt
The House of Gaunt: Lord Voldemort Origins
The Wick
A dark period-drama, set in the early 1800's in rural England, seventy-three years after witch trials were banned. When Esther, a local herbal healer, witnesses her sister's murder at the hands of a lawless but influential religious leader, she realizes only she can put an end to the deceit, blind ignorance and barbarity of these outdated beliefs for good
Six Hot Chicks in a Warehouse
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Animales fantásticos: Los crímenes de Grindelwald
Mrs. Lestrange
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En un AirBnb
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Rogue One: Una historia de Star Wars
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A short film set in the near future, where augmented reality has become so ubiquitous that the line between the real and virtual worlds have become blurred. When a new, dangerous technology is created that can manipulate the perception of this brave new world, who will exploit it? Who will monetise it? Who will become twisted by it?
Predator: Dark Ages
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L'amour rend Aveugle
Tristan falls in love with a blind patient of his, Angel. They get married and have a beautiful boy but when he finds out that not only the operation he performed on her to save her sight failed but that she also contracted a lethal virus, he takes drastic measures to make her last wish come true.
L'amour rend Aveugle
Tristan falls in love with a blind patient of his, Angel. They get married and have a beautiful boy but when he finds out that not only the operation he performed on her to save her sight failed but that she also contracted a lethal virus, he takes drastic measures to make her last wish come true.
Covert Operation
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Un golpe brillante
Texan Couple Woman 1
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El grand lobo feroz
La maîtresse SM dans la vidéo
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Basada en el famoso videojuego del mismo nombre. El agente 47 (Olyphant) es contratado por una misteriosa organización conocida como 'La Agencia' para matar por dinero. El cazador se convertirá en la presa tras un cambio de régimen político. Tanto la Interpol como el ejército ruso perseguirá al asesino por toda Europa del Este, mientras él intenta averiguar quién le tendió la trampa y por qué.
El señor de los anillos: La comunidad del anillo
Rivendell Elf (uncredited)
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