Thomas Rouch


The Appleton Ladies' Potato Race
Original Music Composer
Penny returns to her childhood home for the Appleton Show and its 'world famous' potato race, she is outraged that the men's first prize pays out $2,000 and the winning woman's prize is only $200. She is determined to right this wrong.
Kate, una arquera talentosa, está de vacaciones con su familia cuando un equipo de mercenarios les tiende una emboscada en un violento allanamiento de morada. El esposo y la hija de Kate son secuestrados durante el violento ataque, y ella debe confiar en sus habilidades de tiro con arco para derrotar a sus captores y salvar a su familia.
The Gateway
Original Music Composer
Una física de partículas afligida por la pérdida de su esposo en un accidente automovilístico viaja a un mundo paralelo para encontrarlo nuevamente, con graves consecuencias para su familia.
The Will to Fly
Olympic aerial skiing champion Lydia Lassila returns to the sport as a mother to perform the most complex acrobatic manoeuvre ever performed by a woman, fulfil her childhood dreams, and make history.
One Less God
In 2008, a band of young Islamic militants from Pakistan lands in Mumbai, their primary target, the iconic Taj Mahal hotel. With Indian forces unable to regain control, for 4 days the guests must battle to survive as the terrorists seek to drive them from hiding. The harrowing events that follow will come to be known as India's 9/11 and one of the most audacious terrorist attacks in history. Yet more than a tale of monsters and men, this is a story of our shared humanity at the dark crossroads to which we have now stumbled. Inspired by true events.
The Reckoning
Original Music Composer
A un detective se le asigna la tarea de investigar la muerte de su compañero, que ha sido asesinado. Pronto descubre que en la escena del crimen había una grabación, por lo que se dedica a intentar localizar a dos fugitivos adolescentes cuya tarjeta de vídeo contiene la identidad del asesino.