Steven Zorn


Wild Horses - A Tale From The Puszta
Meet Dot, the little wild horse foal. She is a Przewalski's horse: the only true wild horse species of the world. Although the origin of this endangered species is in Mongolia, Dot lives in the heart of Europe, on the grassy plains of Hungary called the "Puszta". 25 years ago some were introduced here and the horses instantly formed an organic connection with this magical land with rich and unique wildlife. Today this is one of the largest Przewalski's horse herds on the planet. This is their story.
Little Monsters 3D
Little Monsters presents some of the animal kingdom’s strangest survival strategies: poison dart frogs, chameleons, praying mantises and scorpions, to name but a few. Thanks to 3D visualization, large audiences can experience a chameleon thrusting out its tongue at close range, rattle- snakes striking at their targets to within fractions of an inch, praying mantises hunting and hummingbirds feeding, filmed from inside the flower! And with its ingenious combination of slow-motion 3D and timelapse 3D, “Little Monsters” even improves upon state of the art 3D for greater impact, yielding unbelievable scenes the world has never seen and “felt” before.
Las islas del veneno
En una cadena de islas de Indonesia del Sur, toda clase de depredadores venenosos están al acecho, cada uno con su propio cóctel tóxico adecuado para su estilo de caza. Algunos muerden, otros pican, otros atacan rápidamente, mientras que otros entregan su propia marca lenta de la muerte. El experto en veneno Dr. Bryan Fry está en una misión para descubrir los secretos de estas criaturas venenosas. Únanse a él en un viaje lleno de peligros al encontrarse con con víboras, peces piedra y demás fauna venenosa de estas islas. El encuentro final es con la bestia que se sienta en la parte superior de la cadena alimentaria isla, el dragón de Komodo.
Death Beach
Man-eating sharks seemingly flock to South Africa's Second Beach. This remote coastline was once considered a surfer's best-kept secret, but now its regarded as Earth's most dangerous beach. Here, sharks don't simply attack; they kill. Gruesome attacks have claimed six lives in five years. Something has triggered bizarrely aggressive behavior in these predators, and biologist Matt Dicken is on a quest to find out why. Join him as he confronts the killers in their own domain.
The Search for Dracula
In an age of science, one tale of the supernatural continues to seduce us: the legend of the vampire. At last, scientists are digging vampires out of their tombs to take a good, long look at them. What they're finding is a surprising factual side to the ancient legend. Fact may be stranger than fiction!
China: West Meets East at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
As one of the world’s premier art museums, The Metropolitan Museum of Art is home to the finest collection of Chinese artistic masterpieces of any museum outside of China. The collection spans 5,000 years of changing political dynasties and varying religious and foreign influences and represent every period of Chinese history. One of the most astonishing things about China is how little most Americans actually know about it, even though China’s culture is so present in our western world. We often see China as a nation casting off tradition in a mad rush to westernize. But below the hectic surface lies a steadfast culture that has influenced the West in deep and subtle ways.