Director of Photography
Maïna is the daughter of the Innu leader Mishtenapuu, who attends a bloody confrontation between his clan and the clan of "Men of the Land of Ice." Following this confrontation, Maïna chooses a mission that will change her life. To fulfill the promise that she has made to her friend Matsii on her deathbed, she embarked on the trail of their enemies to deliver Nipki, a 11 year old boy that the Inuit have captured. But she was also taken as prisoner by Natak, the leader of the Inuit group, and forcibly taken to the Land of Ice.
Director of Photography
To carry out the "robbery of the century", Charles recruits the friends with whom he made the 400 blows. The night of the robbery, they get caught by police, but one of them runs away with the $2 million. Upon their release from prison, the thieves are shocked to learn that they will get their money back on two conditions and, ultimately, they must mostly have changed their ways...
Director of Photography
Alí Babá, un pobre leñador de Arabia, oye por casualidad a una gran banda de ladrones (cuarenta en total) visitando el escondite de su tesoro en el bosque en el que cortaba madera. El tesoro de los ladrones está en una cueva cuya boca queda sellada mágicamente: se abre con las palabras "ábrete, sésamo" y se cierra con "ciérrate, sésamo". Cuando los ladrones se marchan, Alí Babá entra en la cueva y se lleva parte del tesoro a casa. El hermano rico de Alí Babá, Casim, descubre la repentina riqueza de su hermano, quien le cuenta su descubrimiento de la cueva. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
El exilio y posiblemente la muerte están en las cartas de la Reina de Francia en esta aventura vanguardista de capa y espada basada en la incomparable historia de Alexandre Dumas de LOS TRES MOSQUETEROS y su imprudente amigo romántico D'Artagnan. Los poderes sobrenaturales y las fuerzas místicas oscuras le dan un giro emocionante a este cuento clásico.
Director of Photography
Los habitantes del pueblecito costero de Sainte-Marie-La-Mauderne, antaño orgullosos pescadores, se ven obligados a vivir de subsidios gubernamentales. Pasa el tiempo, siguen cobrando los talones, pero el orgullo desaparece, dejando sitio a la melancolía, la somnolencia y la desesperación. Para colmo de males, el alcalde se muda a la ciudad y Germain se queda a cargo del pueblecito.
Director of Photography
9 de octubre de 1964, unos agentes especiales recogen en Montreal al diplomático canadiense John Watkins, un íntimo amigo del Primer Ministro Lester B. Pearson y antiguo embajador en Rusia, y lo llevan a una habitación de hotel para interrogarle.
Director of Photography
Regína is 10 years old. Her mother, Margrét, works at a home for the elderly and her father is dead. The story begins one sunny summer morning when kids are leaving for the summer camp and Regína has been told she cannot go. While alone at home killing time she discovers her gift, which is hypnotizing singing. Her friend Pétur shows his talent for finding words that rhyme and together they increase the power of singing.
Director of Photography
Como cualquier otro verano, los niños de dos bandos opuestos de un campamento se divierten jugando a la guerra. Pero, este verano, dicha aventura se convertirá en algo distinto.
Second Unit Director
Mientras los ejércitos de Alemania y la Unión Soviética luchan encarnizadamente y el mundo espera con ansiedad el desenlace de la batalla de Stalingrado, un francotirador ruso, Vassili Zaitsev, persevera en la empresa de eliminar a sus enemigos uno por uno. Modesto y reservado, Vassili es un hombre corriente que simplemente cumple con su deber con una destreza extraordinaria. Danilov -el oficial encargado de la propaganda soviética- se da cuenta del enorme valor de este antiguo campesino, y convierte al sencillo pastor de los Urales en un héroe nacional
Director of Photography
An adult Martin Roy reminisces about his life in the 1966/67 school year. At fifteen years old and in his last year of junior high school, he breathed, ate and slept hockey. He collected hockey cards, played street hockey with his friends, tried skating and ice hockey for the first time in his life, but was most fascinated with his local national league team, the Montréal Canadiens, and its star player, Henri Richard. He dreamed of growing up and working for the Canadiens franchise. But a more immediate goal was to get tickets to one of their games, using M. Richard and his banker father, Hervé, as possible conduits to that goal.
Director of Photography
Hemingway: A Portrait
Camera Operator
Es el primer film rodado en el sistema Imax de tres dimensiones. A principios del siglo XX, Antoine de Saint Exupéry, el célebre autor de "El Principito" era un temerario piloto que transportaba correo en una precaria avioneta.
Director of Photography
A group of youths open an organic restaurant.