Alexandra Weyers


Arrête de pleurer Pénélope
Chloé, Léonie and Pénélope, three friends who have not set eyes on each other for many years, are reunited in a notary’s office. It appears that Chloé’s aunt, with whom they used to spend their summer holidays, has died and bequeathed them her house in the country. The three young women agree to spend the weekend at the house, to clear it out so that they can sell it. As soon as they arrive at the house, old memories come flooding back. It is the beginning of a very long weekend...
El código Da Vinci
Location Manager
El catedrático y afamado simbologista Robert Langdon se ve obligado a acudir una noche al Museo del Louvre, cuando el asesinato de un restaurador deja tras de sí un misterioso rastro de símbolos y pistas. Con la ayuda de la criptógrafa de la policía Sophie Neveu y poniendo en juego su propia vida, Langdon descubre que la obra de Leonardo Da Vinci esconde una serie de misterios que apuntan a una sociedad secreta encargada de custodiar un antiguo secreto que ha permanecido oculto durante dos mil años...
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