A one-hit-wonder musician battles writers block and a strange inspirational force at a secluded lake house.
A tradition as old as life itself. A tradition old as the demonic forces it represents. The story of a group of people unwilling to face the truth, and unable to reconcile the past. And one man who can. But is he even a man? When humans can't put the past away. And another entity who simply does not want to.
Erebus centers around the Gorham House, a mysterious old hotel with a torrid history of violent occult activity, as well as supernatural, and paranormal. Seeking to document the hotel for a new book, Samantha and Benny, journey to investigate the hotel, learning of its terrifying history along the way by relaying three horrifying tales of its previous owners.
Erebus centers around the Gorham House, a mysterious old hotel with a torrid history of violent occult activity, as well as supernatural, and paranormal. Seeking to document the hotel for a new book, Samantha and Benny, journey to investigate the hotel, learning of its terrifying history along the way by relaying three horrifying tales of its previous owners.
Jen Craven
Hace dos años que Mark Fisher desapareció de su casa absorbido por un brillante haz de luz. Su amigo Seth fue la última persona que lo vio con vida. Una serie de extraños y macabros asesinatos que se están produciendo en la ciudad hacen pensar a Seth que posiblemente su amigo ha vuelto, pero diabólicamente transformado.
Jake (Tom DeNucci) es un guardia de seguridad que trabaja en una zona de almacenes altamente resguardada y una noche decide realizar una pequeña fiesta con varios de sus amigos en uno de estos almacenes. Lo que no sabe es que dicha facilidad guarda algo más que simples pertenecías personales y sus vidas correrán peligro gracias al mercado negro.
Screaming Woman
Un grupo de jóvenes se va de acampada junto a un lago de Maine, muy cerca de donde vive el famoso escritor Stephen King. Por supuesto, una vez acampados en el paraje comienzan a pasar cosas bastante extrañas como si estuvieran inmersos en un relato de terror. Poco a poco los miembros del grupo van siendo asesinados de manera horrorosa.
Prof. Kim Schlossberg
Ken Dumanski is as well known for his inciteful and impactful analysis of the arts as an award winning entertainment journalist, as he is for his outrageous exploits among the Hollywood and... »