Peter Knaack

Peter Knaack

Nacimiento : 1968-01-01,


Peter Knaack


Laim und die Tote im Teppich
Bernd Moers
Life Guidance
Bester Freund
The film is set in the near future, in a world of perfect capitalism. Society is sustained by a class of top achievers; meanwhile, so-called minimum recipients live under sedation in Fortresses of Sleep. The great majority of top achievers view themselves as happy. An outsourced agency has been established for the rest: Life Guidance is charged with turning these individuals into optimal people as well. Alexander has internalized the system but one wrong word to his child triggers Life Guidance. He starts to rebel and encounters the horror of the system in all its brightness and affability.
A House in Berlin
A Glasgow woman inherits a house in Berlin and has her eyes opened
The Station
Janek es un técnico en una estación de observación del clima en lo alto de los Alpes. Es un lobo solitario, los científicos que regularmente pasan por allí y que comparten el amor por aquel lugar rocoso justo llegan a tolerarlo. Para empeorar aun las cosas, se acerca la visita del ministro de medio ambiente, que trae rivalidades diversas a la estación. Y de repente, todos los implicados se sienten agradecidos cuando su rutina diaria es interrumpida por un extraño descubrimiento. Un líquido rojo que sale de un glaciar cercano que se funde debido al cambio climático. Esta “sangre” del glaciar resulta ser un líquido muy especial, con unos efectos inimaginables en la fauna local. Janek no tardará en tener que defender la estación de una horda en aumento de monstruosidades biológicas. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Red Room
A man and two women are trying their luck in the red room in the countryside. The older (but therefore not wiser) Fred, freshly divorced as a kisser who still desires his ex, meets the self-confident Lucy, who feels called to explore the soul of men in her novels. She lives with her intimate friend Sibil in a Vorpommern house in the countryside. Fred decides to move from Berlin to the two women and try a ménage-à-trois. They get to know each other and themselves.
Die Frau, die im Wald verschwand
Germany, mid-1950s. Dr. Gerd Vorweg, Lord Mayor of a district town, can be completely satisfied with his life. A few years after the end of the war, he helped his town to regain prosperity and prosperity by setting up a large textile company. He is popular with the locals and has a showcase marriage with his wife Katharina. When Katharina suddenly disappears without a trace, this idyll is suddenly destroyed.
Insolvency Administrator
Yella decidida a no renunciar a sus sueños, abandona a un marido violento y posesivo para buscar un trabajo más prometedor y una nueva vida. Las cosas empiezan a irle bien cuando Philipp, un joven ejecutivo, le da la oportunidad de ser su ayudante. Aunque no conoce en absoluto el mundo de las finanzas, empieza a triunfar entre los despiadados hombres de negocios. Las armas que explican su éxito son su belleza y su extraordinaria sangre fría.
Wedding Day
A short thriller directed by Tanja Brzakovic.