Jonathan Krauss


A man wakes up inside a spacesuit tumbling helplessly through space, with a computer designed to keep him company until his air runs out, trying to solve the mystery of his death.
The Final Moments of Karl Brant
Executive Producer
Set in the near future where experimental technology allows two detectives to bring a murder victim back to life in a digital state in order to question him about his final moments.
El corruptor (The corruptor)
Co-Executive Producer
Nick Chen es uno de los primeros hijos de inmigrantes chinos que se convierte en agente de la policía de Nueva York. Su principal misión consiste en mantener la paz en el difícil barrio de Chinatown. A Chen se le asigna como nuevo compañero, el joven Danny Wallace, quien no tiene ni idea del delicado equilibrio de fuerzas que vive el barrio.