Maggie Huculak

Maggie Huculak


Maggie Huculak


The Pig Farm
The life and murders of one of the worst serial killers in history, Robert Pickton who went unchallenged for decades.
The Armoire
Dr. Mendoza
After a game of hide-and-seek, 11-year-old Aaron is hypnotized to solve the mystery of his missing friend.
Piezas fugitivas
Adaptación de una novela de Anne Michaels con el mismo título, "Fugitive Pieces" (Piezas fugitivas) es un filme sobre la memoria: la de Jacob, un niño de siete años cuya familia fue asesinada bajo la ocupación nazi y que, una vez adulto, intenta reconstruir el rompecabezas de su vida refugiándose en la escritura.
Solas contra el mundo
Tom's Mother
La historia de tres mujeres que viven en un pequeño pueblo de Carolina del Norte y desafían los roles que la tradicional sociedad en la que viven les ha impuesto.
Todo por ella
Nancy (uncredited)
Durante los duros años de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la familia de Jewel y Leston reciben con júbilo la noticia de la llegada de su quinto hijo. Con lo que no cuentan es que la niña, Brenda tiene síndrome de Down y deberá recibir todos los cuidados y atenciones por parte de todos los miembros de la familia. El tratamiento es caro y Brenda necesita una educación especial, por este motivo Jewel no duda en viajar con toda su familia al Estado de California donde existe una escuela especial para este tipo de niños.
El cuarto poder
Gwyn Garrison
Con las elecciones presidenciales en ciernes, cuatro periodistas de diferente procedencia son seleccionados para una mesa de debate decisiva con los dos candidatos en cabeza. Durante la preparación del programa, los cuatro especialistas descubren una información trascendente y confidencial acerca de uno de los candidatos, aunque tras considerarlo deciden conservar el secreto dentro de la mesa de reuniones y jamás revelar dichos datos. Sin embargo, convencidos de que el país debe conocer los abusos contra mujeres por parte de uno de los dos potenciales presidentes, realizan preguntas durante el debate que presionan cada vez más al candidato... hasta que éste acaba derrumbándose incapaz de defenderse. A partir de ese momento, la vida de los cuatro periodistas cambia por completo y, convertidos en estrellas de los medios, deberán hacer frente a su conciencia y a las consecuencias de su acto público...
Monet: Shadow and Light
Madame Fontaine
Monet's glorious summer of painting ends abruptly with harsh attacks from his father and art critics. He intends to abandon everything, but is convinced otherwise by aspiring young artist Daniel. Having been abandoned by his own father, Daniel refuses to let Monet do the same to his son. As Monet shows Daniel a new way of seeing the world through art, Daniel helps Monet see the importance of family.
Goosebumps: Chillogy
Sharon Walters
Jessica, a teenage girl obsessed with money but greedy when it comes to sharing it, is swept away into a surreal small town environment and learns the hard way that being greedy gets you nothing but trouble.
Carey and Paul are reclusive shoemakers. Fragile Carey polishes the shoes while overprotective Paul does the books. Their world unravels when Carey becomes smitten with Anna. Worried about his friend's lack of experience, Paul tells him to be wary, but Carey's heart has begun its romantic journey...
Friends at Last
Woman #3
Some time after her messy divorce, Fanny Connelyn realises her ex-husband is becoming her best friend.
And Then You Die
A drug deal must deal with the mafia, Hells Angels, and police who want to arrest him. -- WorldCat
The Marriage Bed
Bonnie Griffith
Linda Griffiths stars as very pregnant Annie Graham, who's about to give birth to her third child in seven years. Annie looks back via flashbacks at how her own plans for a career got sidetracked and how her marriage suddenly went off the rails on a crazy train. At the same time she's trying to cope with a Christmas season full of inlaws, family and neighbours.. and a husband who's gone awol in order to 'find himself'.
Unfinished Business
Seventeen year old Izzy Marks lives in Toronto with her divorced mother and finds her life boring and directionless. Meant to be a sequel to Don Owen's acclaimed 1964 film "Nobody Waved Good-bye", "Unfinished Business" looks at life two decades later for Peter and Julie's (Peter Kastner and Julie Biggs) daughter Isabelle "Izzy" Marks (Isabelle Mejias). Curious, funny and intelligent, 17 year old Izzy feels the frustrations of her limiting environment and the pull of a more exciting, larger world. She meets passionate anarchist wannabe Jessie 'Fixit' (Peter Spence) and is quickly drawn into his free living alternative lifestyle. Much to the displeasure of her once free-thinking parents and friends.
Galileo's Sons
A rare behind-the-scenes look at the Vatican Observatory, and the cosmological questions tackled by the Jesuit astronomers there.