Tara Stiles


I'm Not Here (And She's Not There)
After years of seeing life through a kaleidoscope, Daniel Bloom is declaring himself to be gone - to be "Not Here." He is a surrealist painter from New York, and he is struggling for a clear head and an escape from the pressures of the outside world. A beautiful girl appears in his life to help guide him, but he can only see her through mysterious visions that nearly drive him mad. His obsession only makes him more reclusive, turning away his art dealer and the women in his life. Who is this girl? Is she for real? Or is she just a figment of his imagination? He will do anything to find out, even if it costs him everything.
Encantada: La historia de Giselle
Narra la odisea que debe vivir la bella princesa Giselle (Amy Adams), que es transportada por un hechizo de la malvada reina Narissa (Susan Sarandon) desde su mágico mundo a la moderna y caótica Manhattan actual. Inmersa en un entorno en el que "fueron felices y comieron perdices" no funciona, Giselle deambula por un mundo caótico que necesita urgentemente unos cuantos hechizos. Pero Giselle se enamora de un abogado divorciado, encantador pero nada perfecto (Patrick Dempsey) que decide ayudarla. A pesar de que en su mundo está prometida al príncipe de cuento de hadas (James Marsden), la joven princesa se hará la siguiente pregunta: ¿Su visión del amor ideal tiene futuro en el mundo real?