Ben the Hermit
In this modern adaptation of Rapunzel, a young girl who has lived her entire life in a room catered by her mother, the infamous scientist Dr. Gothen, must come to terms with her reality in order to expand her horizons.
Forzada a vivir una vida desdichada por su malvada madrastra y sus dos hermanastras, Cinderella Perrault, aprende sobre el fruto del amor, la vida y el autodescubrimiento en esta versión moderna del cuento clásico.
Jimmy Bombay
Set in the crime underworld of South Florida, Jacqueline is used as a pawn by her Miami crime boss father Jimmy Bombay. To expand his crime empire and join forces with an international drug cartel, Jimmy has arranged for Jacqueline to marry Dante Calivari, the son of a foreign drug lord. As Jacqueline fights for her freedom, her only solace is found in the counsel of a priest. But in this world of lies and deception, all is not as it seems as a journey down the aisle turns deadly.
Jimmy Bombay
Au coeur de la pègre, Jacqueline est utilisée comme un pion par son père, Jimmy Bombay, patron du crime de Miami. Pour étendre son empire et s'associer avec un cartel international de la drogue, Jimmy manigance pour que sa fille épouse Dante Calivari, le fils d'un baron de la drogue. Alors que Jacqueline se bat pour sa liberté, sa seule consolation se trouve auprès des conseils d'un prêtre. Mais dans ce monde de mensonge et de tromperie, tout n'est pas comme il paraît...
An ambitious assistant prosecuting attorney, his wife, and an audacious erotic performance artist, engage in a triangle of ambition, deceit, romance, that results in testing the boundries of Constitutional law.
"River of Grass" tiene todos los elementos de una "road movie" convencional: un coche, una pistola, planes criminales y dos jóvenes amantes escapando de un padre furioso que además es un oficial de policía suspendido. Sin embargo, Kelly Reichardt ha tomado estos elementos comunes y creado una "anti-road movie", una película impasiva que tiene más de comedia existencialista que de drama criminal.