Norte de África. Jeff (Carlos Thompson) es un soldado que participa en la lucha de Francia contra la independencia de Argelia. Allí encontrará a Yvette (Yvonne De Carlo), una antigua novia, que trabaja como espía al servicio de Francia. Gracias a su impresionante belleza, Ivette Comte (Ivonne De Carlo), lleva numerosas acciones de alto riesgo con gran sutileza y habilidad para salirse siempre con la suya. Se trata, nada más y nada menos, que de una película de acción y espionaje, tiznada de romanticismo, con la actuación del Servicio de Inteligencia Francesa en un país con todos los ingredientes del exotismo, el peligro y el misterio: Argelia. Ivette tendrá que afrontar numerosos dificultades para llevar a cabo sus planes. Así, deberá atraer a un espía, pero a ello tendrá que unir el alto precio de utilizar al hombre que ama. Su recompensa pasará por prestar ayuda a numerosas empresas del gobierno.
Captain Gerard, greatest lover in the Foreign Legion, is assigned to escort an emir's daughter to her father's mountain citadel and find out what he can about the emir's activities. Gerard enjoys his work with lovely Cara, but arrives to find rebellion brewing.
Captain Gerard, greatest lover in the Foreign Legion, is assigned to escort an emir's daughter to her father's mountain citadel and find out what he can about the emir's activities. Gerard enjoys his work with lovely Cara, but arrives to find rebellion brewing.
Narra la historia de un correo del zar de Rusia que debe entregar una carta al duque, en la que le previene del traidor Iván Ogaref que quiere asesinarlo y entregar su ciudad a los Khanes mongoles. En su apresurado camino se encuentra con Nadia, una joven que va a la misma ciudad, Irkuskt, para ver a su padre. Los mongoles capturan a Miguel Strogoff, que logra escapar curiosamente y entrega la carta al duque, evitando la invasión mongola.
Film composed of 10 episodes: 1.- L'Ami felon. 2.- Le secret de L'etang. 3.- L'Ambition au service de la haine. 4.- L'Implacable verdict. 5.- Le Pont vivant. 6.- La Voix du sang. 7.- Les Caprices du destin. 8.- En Champ clos. 9.- Les Angoisses de Corradin. 10.- Le Triomphe de L'amour.
A foundling is left in front of the home of a rich aristocratic bachelor during the Nice carnival. The marquis adopts the child but soon finds that he cannot cope, so he employs a nanny who turns out to be the child's real mother. Just as the two have fallen in love and there is a happy ending in sight, the woman's husband - long thought dead - turns up.
A romance in the upper-classes develops as the Bolshevik revolution is at hand.
The story of Prince Stepán Kasátsky discovering his fiancée was the mistress of the Czar, so he then becomes a monk.
After the death of Count Chambery his wife and daughter were left without means of subsistence. Seeing no other way out, a young woman settles maid in the house of Baroness Angers.
Pastor Talnoх furiously urges the flock to fight temptations, but he himself becomes a victim of temptation. In his house appears Satan, pushing the hero to theft and spiritual fall.
Directed by Yakov Protazanov.
A great stage performer falls ill and loses her voice and beauty, and she and her admirer's lives crumble because of it.
While hosting a game of cards one night, Narumov tells his friends a story about his grandmother, a Countess. As a young woman, she had once incurred an enormous gambling debt, which she was able to erase by learning a secret that guaranteed that she could win by playing her cards in a certain order. One of Narumov's friends, German, has never gambled, but he is intrigued by the story about the Countess and her secret. He soon becomes obsessed with learning this secret from her, and he starts by courting her young ward Lizaveta, hoping to use her to gain access to the Countess.