Deke Anderson

Deke Anderson


Deke Anderson


Night Trap
For the first time ever, the cult classic game Night Trap is available as a 48-minute motion picture on videocassette. Experience the terror like never before. You better be good, you better beware...
Chief Stevens
The CIA and a rogue assassin attempt to expose the source behind a corporate global intelligence ring inciting war for profit.
Alternate Realities
Dr. Ryan Greene
John Rotit is a happy, content man with a loving wife. Hours later, he's a rock star shooting up heroin. And after that...he's something far more sinister. John unwillingly flashes between three parallel lives in which he knowingly exists in each. He has no clue how or why this phenomenon is occurring, only that he wants it to stop. John's judgment becomes clouded as he'll do anything he can to end his flashes and remain in the one life where he's truly happy.
Rogue Strike
Russian Submarine Captain
When the Russian submarine K-519 sinks in the Pacific, a quirky crew of marine biologists battle a terrorist plot to recover the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. Diving to the deepest part of the ocean in an untested mini-submersible, a seasick documentary filmmaker and a maniacal sub captain clash as they are forced to choose between saving the ones they love or saving mankind!
Doll Factory
Ghost 1
An over-the-top horror/comedy that centers around a small Texas town terrorized by evil possessed baby dolls!
Killing Mr. Right
Convinced her roommate's new fiancé is the man who abducted and raped her, a young law student, suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, takes justice into her own hands as she exacts revenge... but does she have the right man? Elizabeth Jackson and Kerry Beyer star in this disturbing revenge thriller that pushes the limits of sadism.
Justicia Sangrienta
Un notorio terrorista del Medio Oriente (Dourif) está planeando un gran ataque contra los EE.UU. que incluye la detonación de una bomba nuclear de gran alcance en el corazón de Los Ángeles; la única cosa que se interpone en su camino es un dúo poco probable formado por un vampiro misterioso (Bailey Smith) y un policía canalla (Elliott), que sin querer se unen para frustrar su banda de terroristas variopintos antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Linterna Verde
Four Star General Caven
En un universo tan vasto como misterioso, una pequeña pero misteriosa fuerza ha existido por siglos. Protectores de la paz y la justicia se hace llamar el cuerpo de linternas verdes. Una hermandad de guerreros que juraron mantener el orden intergaláctico donde cada linterna verde lleva un anillo que le da superpoderes. Pero cuando un nuevo enemigo llamado Parallax amenaza con destruir el balance y el poder del universo, su destino y el de la tierra cae en manos del nuevo recluta; el primer humano que ha sido elegido: Hal Jordan.
Halo: Legends
1337 (segment "Odd One Out")
Adaptación al anime de la saga de videojuegos Halo, en un movimiento similar a Animatrix o Batman Gotham Knight, mediante siete cortos de entre 10-20 minutos de duración cada uno producidos por algunos de los estudios de animación más importantes de Japón. Dirigidos por prestigiosos directores como Shinji Aramaki (Appleseed) y Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell).
Cook County
Officer Crumley
After a stint in prison, Sonny returns to his home in East Texas, determined to repair his relationship with his son. Standing in his way is his brother, who has turned the home into a crumbling meth lab.
Bolas Fuera: Gary el entrenador de tenis
Gil Houseman
Un hombre de mantenimiento intenta ayudar a los tenistas de una escuela secundaria a ganar un campeonato estatal.
Jesse Gavin is an undercover cop, part of an elite police team and highly skilled in lethal martial arts! She is suspended from the force after a witness that she was supposed to protect is killed. She must now find out what happened and clear up her name.
A reality cop show films a police raid on a drug ring that goes awry and results in the massacre of 11 policemen. All of this gets taped by the cameraman who tries to sell the tape to the gangsters and gets killed for his efforts. Meanwhile the film commentator gets pursued by the cops, the gangsters, and some crooked FBI agents. All are after the film which he doesn't have.
El ejército de las tinieblas
Mini-Ash #1
Inglaterra, siglo XIII. Las fuerzas del mal ejercen su reinado en la Edad Media. Valerosos caballeros se disponen a entrar en desigual batalla, mientras que los atemorizados campesinos se refugian tras los muros del castillo. Todo cambia con la inesperada llegada de un nuevo héroe, provisto de sofisticadas armas, que dice provenir del siglo XX.
El ejército de las tinieblas
Mini-Ash #2
Inglaterra, siglo XIII. Las fuerzas del mal ejercen su reinado en la Edad Media. Valerosos caballeros se disponen a entrar en desigual batalla, mientras que los atemorizados campesinos se refugian tras los muros del castillo. Todo cambia con la inesperada llegada de un nuevo héroe, provisto de sofisticadas armas, que dice provenir del siglo XX.
Inside Out 3
Actor (segment "The Branding")
Softcore anthology film containing stories: "Dogs Playing Poker"; "The Branding"; "The Portal"; "The Perfect Woman"; "Within Ten Minutes"; "Tango"; "The Houseguest"; "Cafe L'Amour"; and "The Wet Dream".
Kill Crazy
Five Vietnam vets, on release from a mental hospital, think they're headed for a weekend camping trip. Instead they become target practice for an army of killers playing violent war games. It's a massacre until one of the vets becomes a machine of revenge.
Madonna: The Immaculate Collection
The Director (segment "Material Girl")
The Immaculate Collection is the first commercially released greatest videos compilation by singer Madonna. Released on November 13, 1990 to accompany the audio CD, it contained hits spanning 1983-1990. The collection won "Best Long Form Video" category at the 1991 MTV Video Music Awards. Includes the following videos: 1. Lucky Star 2. Borderline 3. Like a Virgin 4. Material Girl 5. Papa Don't Preach 6. Open Your Heart 7. La Isla Bonita 8. Like a Prayer 9. Express Yourself 10. Cherish 11. Oh Father 12. Vogue 13. Vogue (1990 MTV Awards Show Performance)
A Cry in the Wild
Store Clerk
13-year-old Brian is the sole survivor of an unreported plane crash. Alone in the Yukon wilderness, Brian must learn to survive by his wits, find food and shelter, and brave wild, hungry animals until or if he is found.
White Fury
Two ruthless criminals take two teenage couples hostage at a remote mountain cabin in Colorado following a botched bank robbery.
Jungle Assault
American Soldier #3
Two Vietnam vets with nothing to lose are called back into the bloodiest action of their lives. Their assignment: locate and destroy a terrorist base and bring back a General's daughter alive.
Nasty Boys
Steve Michaels
When a narcotics team sent to bust some drug dealers are massacred. The police department form a special unit of undercover cops whose identities are withheld from the brass, and are only accountable to the leader, a Lieutenant. While they try to bust the dealers, the Lieutenant tries to find out who gave the dealers the information about the bust. And he suspects that it's someone in the DEA.
Mordida Mortal
Country Boy #1
Después de que un joven es mordido en la mano por una serpiente radioactiva, su mano se comienza a convertir en una cabeza de serpiente letal, que ataca a todos con los que entra en contacto. Además, su cuerpo empieza a llevarse de serpientes. Debe evitar a toda costa lastimar a los demás, especialmente a su novia.
Outlaw Force
Police Officer
Some punks go into a small town and start hassling the gas station owner; Billy Ray Dalton a friend of the owner pulls a shot gun on them and tells them to go away. Later they go back and force the owner to tell them where Dalton lives. Now, Dalton a part time musician's out on a gig, when they go to his house and kill his pregnant wife, and take his daughter. Dalton follows them to try and get his daughter back.
Hidden: Lo oculto
Roadblock Cop
Tom Beck, un agente de policía de Los Ángeles, y Lloyd Gallagher, un detective del FBI, tienen que resolver unas extrañas muertes en las que existe un patrón común: el repentino cambio de comportamiento de la futura víctima y la gran resistencia al dolor de la misma. Detrás de estas misteriosas muertes se esconde un alienígena que se introduce dentro de las personas hasta controlar completamente su cuerpo. Psycothriller premiado en los festivales de cine fantástico de Sitges y en Avoriaz.
Sword of Heaven
Guard at Pat's House
A Japanese policeman in Los Angeles uses an ancient magic sword to battle killers and an extortion ring.
Hay un fantasma en la universidad
Hogs & Hogettes
La única cosa que mantiene alejado a Billy Baston de la chica de sus sueños es una pequeña goma o más bien la falta de una. Por suerte, Billy, encuentra una en un motel de carretera. Pero la suerte es fugaz y cuando Billy vuelve rápidamente al Campus universitario, muere en una colisión frontal con un camión. Ni siquiera la muerte puede frenar a un tozudo como Billy una vez que se fija una meta y cuando vuelve a la escuela como espíritu su primera parada es el vestuario de las chicas, !y eso no es más que el principio!. Hay un fantasma suelto y hay que cazarlo.
Force of Darkness
Punk Hoodlum
A spree killer in 1980s San Francisco, suffering from a multiple personality disorder, is actually possessed by a demonic force which drives him to kill.
Stacy's Knights
Thug #1
Todos tienen talento y los sueños se hacen realidad. Stacy Lancaster tiene una habilidad increíble para Blackjack. Una vez que se une a la audaz Will Bonner, los dos jóvenes jugadores están en una lista sin parar. Pronto el casino quiere igualar las probabilidades. ¿Cuánto tiempo puede durar su racha de victorias?