Siglo XIX. Adaptación de la famosa novela de Victor Hugo. Tras robar unas hogazas de pan para dárselas a unos niños hambrientos, Jean Valjean es perseguido por la justicia y encarcelado. Cuando sale de prisión, no sabe dónde ir, pues no confía en nadie; pero tiene la suerte de llegar a una ciudad, donde el bondadoso obispo Myriel le da cobijo y, además, lo salva de caer de nuevo en manos de la justicia.
María Galante, una joven e ingenua telefonista francesa, es raptada por un capitán que la desembarca en Yucatán, dejándola abandonada a su suerte. Con grandes dificultades, María llega a la zona del Canal de panamá, donde encuentra trabajo como cantante en un café.
One of the doubles is the prince of the mythical country of Libania, while the other is a down-to-earth college student, working his way through school as a ship's stoker. Inevitably, the stoker poses as the prince to save the latter from political assassins
There is hunger in Siberia during the Russian Civil War. One day while dim-witted peasant Sergei is searching corpses for food, he meets a young woman looking for the town of Novokursk. She asks Sergei to help her get there, and to tell anyone they might meet that he is her husband.
The lawyer Magnus Brygge has everything – a good job, two beautiful children and a young, beautiful student who has set her eyes on him. But soon his luck will begin to turn. A sleazy painter with nefarious ulterior motives first turns the head of the professor’s daughter and then of his young bride-to-be, with fatal outcomes and broken relationships as a result. Like sand through an hourglass, everything is about to go down in this bleak but breathtakingly beautiful winter drama with Olaf Fønss in the lead role. (