Jessica Gunning

Jessica Gunning

Nacimiento : 1986-01-01, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom


Jessica Gunning is a British television and theatre actress. She was educated at Holmfirth High School near Huddersfield before attending Rose Bruford College, graduating in 2007


Jessica Gunning
Jessica Gunning


En Busca De Summerland
Mrs. Bassett
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en Inglaterra, muchos niños son evacuados de las ciudades y exiliados a casas en la periferia para que se encarguen de ellos. Cuando uno de estos niños, Frank llega a casa de Alice, una escritora atormentada por una historia del pasado, se resiste a aceptarlo. Sin embargo, a medida que se van conociendo, Alice descubre la inocencia y la curiosidad de Frank y, poco a poco, va abriendo su corazón, desbloqueando recuerdos y sentimientos de su pasado, aprendiendo que las segundas oportunidades existen.
The Mermaid of Mevagissey
Mathew Trewella is a lad adrift, living in the shadow of his brother Pete; fishermen in a small Cornish village. Banned from every pub, his options have run out. Whilst singing to himself at sea on Pete’s fishing trawler, Mathew finds a strange beast: unconscious, clearly female and part human, in the net. Seeing the chance to exploit this, the brothers smuggle it to the local aquarium and, roping in Pete’s wife Nessa, they debate what to do.
Love Is Thicker Than Water
Una versión moderna de "Romeo y Julieta". Vida y Arthur vienen de entornos totalmente diferentes pero se enamoran, aunque tendrán que luchar contra los choques entre familias.
The Scandalous Lady W
Mary Sotheby
Cuenta la vida de Lady Seymour Worsley, una mujer que escandalizó a la sociedad británica por su libertinaje. Se dice que tuvo 27 amantes, un número alarmante para una dama de la sociedad de la época Georgiana.
That Day We Sang
TV Film adaptation of Victoria Wood's hit musical set in Manchester in 1929 and 1969. When middle aged loners Tubby and Enid attend a reunion of the choir in which they sang as children, the music evokes powerful memories, leading them to realise they still have a chance to find happiness.
Pride (Orgullo)
Siân James
En el verano de 1984, siendo primera ministra Margaret Thatcher, el Sindicato Nacional de Mineros (NUM) convoca una huelga. Durante la manifestación del Orgullo Gay en Londres. Un grupo de lesbianas y gays se dedica a recaudar fondos para ayudar a las familias de los trabajadores, pero el sindicato no acepta el dinero. El grupo decide entonces ponerse en contacto directo con los mineros y van a un pueblecito de Gales. Empieza así la curiosa historia de dos comunidades totalmente diferentes que se unen por una causa común. Basada en hechos reales.
Ghost in the Machine
Lonely Noreen daydreams of being whisked away by a square-jawed cowboy, but her reality is far more mundane. She lives virtually enslaved on the family farm in the North of England, with only her father's demeaning comments about her weight as company. So it's no wonder that she pays attention to the first thing that's ever shown her any kindness, even if it is an abandoned 60 year-old talking tractor. A friendship quickly develops, Noreen sets about restoring the tractor, and together they hatch a plan to turn the tables on her father.
Lizzie and Sarah
Lizzie and Sarah are two fiftysomething suburban housewives, perpetually mistreated and ignored by unloving, selfish husbands. The highlight of their otherwise dull lives is their role in an amateur dramatic society, The Borking Players. In the aftermath of a tragic accident which causes the death of a popular local teenager, emotions run high, and following a dismal birthday lunch for Sarah, the two friends embark on a spur-of-the-moment shopping trip. As the day unfolds, they find a way to wreak their revenge.