In the late 1970s, a group of young cops lead by ex-musician turned detective Vicente Rangel will face the darkest minutes of their lives while attempting to catch a serial killer of young girls in a corrupt oil town in the Gulf of Mexico.
Original Music Composer
For an artist free will is an illusion.
Pablo embarks on a journey towards the desert of San Luis Potosi with a super 8 camera and a small backpack. He doesn’t have a clue of what he pretends to discover in his improvised journey, yet he meets several persons along the way which orient him. As he goes deeper into the desert, Pablo’s hallucinations push him towards discovering his darkest fears.
Su madre es una italiana urbanita, y su padre es un mexicano que adora la selva y el mar. Durante las vacaciones, el pequeño Nathan viaja con su padre a México por unos días. Ambos se embarcan destino Banco Chinchorro, uno de los arrecifes de coral más grandes del mundo. En este entorno idílico, se crea una relación de complicidad entre padre e hijo...