Berington Van Campen


Faces of Death IV
Original Music Composer
Follows the same pattern of the other Faces of Death movies. In this one we see many staged and not so staged looking deaths ranging from bungee jumping accidents and magic tricks gone bad.
Confianza peligrosa
Blake, un lacónico veterano de guerra, pasa los días metido en el Pleiku bar, su rincón favorito en el pequeño Saigón. Una noche se le acerca Evelyn, una joven atractiva y descarada que le pide ayuda para escapar de un neurótico amante que cree que le pertenece. Se trata de Ryerson, un rico coleccionista de arte. Por si fuera poco, también tiene que cuidarse de su examante Richie que quiere asesinarla por haberle abandonado. Pero además Evelyn es muy ambiciosa y le propone a Blake robar una de las obras más valiosas de la colección de arte de Ryerson. Blake no lo tiene nada claro. (FILMAFFINITY)
Would You Eat a Blue Potato?
Original Music Composer
Katie and Scott are invited to eat at the home of Figment the dragon. The snack consists of green milk, blue potatoes, pink cauliflower, and orange sandwiches. Figment realizes the food just doesn't feel right to the children. They read a story of a sad king who painted his kingdom blue to match his mood. The children go through a series of "colorful" experiences and discover color through their senses and imaginations—imagining how the world would look and feel if everything was just one color. In the end, the children realize they like all the colors together best of all—and the King agrees!
What Can You See by Looking?
Original Music Composer
Figment needs Todd and Dhara to help him. He is on a treasure hunt, looking for the "Bookus Dragonius," which contains all of the world's wisdom. The book was hidden by his Uncle Max (The Reluctant Dragon) who loved word play, puzzles, and anagrams. Together they find many clues left by Uncle Max: rhyming clues, anagrams, puzzles, books, brain-teasers, and a rebus are all part of this mystery. They solve these clues—and then finally figure it all out.
En un planeta lejano, los descendientes de una nave espacial estrellada son sometidos a fuerzas misteriosas propias del planeta, que les causa envejecer y morir en tan sólo ocho días. Todo su ciclo vital sucede aceleradamente en ese corto tiempo. También tienen que vivir en cuevas para protegerse del frío polar de la noche y el calor mortal del día. Un joven está decidido a encontrar el camino de regreso a la nave que los llevó allí. Basado libremente en la novela corta "Hielo y Fuego" de Ray Bradbury.