Awa, a 15-year-old schoolgirl, is happily living her teenage years alongside her twin brother Adama who dreams of Europe. When their grandmother dies, her aunt Fatou and her uncle Atoumane promise to marry in order to preserve the family union. But Fatou does not love Atoumane and the latter, tired of waiting to consummate his marriage, commits an act from which there is no going back.
A lo largo de la costa atlántica, una torre futurista que pronto será inaugurada se cierne sobre un suburbio de Dakar. Ada, de 17 años, está enamorada de Souleimane, un joven trabajador de la construcción. Pero ella ha sido prometida a otro hombre. Una noche, Souleimane y sus compañeros desaparecen en el mar. Poco después, regresan para atormentar a su antiguo vecindario tomando posesión de las novias que dejaron atrás. Algunos de los trabajadores han venido reclamando venganza y amenazan con quemar la torre si el desarrollador no paga sus salarios. Pero Souleiman ha regresado por Ada, para que puedan estar juntos por última vez.
En un pueblo de pescadores del sur de Senegal, Mamadou controla completamente el tráfico ilegal de cayucos y de droga con destino a Europa. El único patrimonio del pueblo es un antiguo cañón portugués que tratan de llevarse un anticuario francés y Toni, miembro de una ONG, que ya ha dejado de creer en la posibilidad de mejorar el mundo. Bego, una joven española que huye de su pasado, llega al pueblo como voluntaria de una ONG. Se encuentra el dispensario médico totalmente abandonado, pero decide sacarlo adelante como sea. Pronto entra en contacto con Toni y con Leo, un buscavidas hijo de un emigrante ilegal. Juntos acabaránenfrentándose con Mamadou.
A story about desire, choice and the freedom (or lack of it) of young people forced into a traditional practice where a male tags a girl at birth for marriage in adulthood.
A Senegalese bank-robber born and raised in France is getting over a disastrous heist. As he considers going straight, his cousin calls him from Dakar with an easy opportunity.
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Mati, a divorced mother of a young daughter, makes a living selling bric-a-bric from a wheelbarrow and dreams of opening a snack bar. But she falls for the charms of Naago, a cop, and it's only when the Tajaboom festival (at which women and men switch roles) arrives that her opportunity for escape emerges.
Bizet's Carmen gets a modern adaptation. Seducting, provocating, sensual. All the ingredients for a perfect drama. With her charm, Karmen gets out of many situations.
A Senegalese man living in Paris with his French wife and children receives a letter from his father back home saying he has arranged for him to take a second wife. The man's indecision outrages his French wife and leads to the end of his marriage, his return to Senegal and his reflection about how his life has ended up.