Production Director
2013. During Operation Bidone, the Federal Police seized a truck loaded with palm heart, which contained 697 kg of cocaine. The investigation falls on the team assembled by Ivan Romano, based in Curitiba and composed by Beatriz, Júlio and Ítalo. The traffic connections lead them to the dower Alberto Youssef and later to the former Petrobras director Paulo Roberto Costa, who reveals an immense structure involving builders and the government, in order to divert public money. As the investigation progresses, the group led by Ivan is increasingly approaching some of the country's most influential politicians.
Un arqueologo lleva a su equipo de buzos en una expedición en busca de los registros antiguos mayas. En lugar de encontrar la gloria lo que encontrarán es el infierno escondido en las cuevas submarinas de Xibalba.
Ricardo, a 30 year old mechanic nicknamed 'the genius' because he can fix any small electronics he touch, lives alone with his mother in the tiny suburb of Quintino north of Rio de Janeiro Brazil. When a mysterious young boy shows up one morning at his garage with a strange broken fish toy, Ricardo is suddenly thrown head on faced with his forgotten past. He must now embark on the journey for the answers within that will give him the strength to face a man's ultimate responsibility.
El jefe del FBI explica que los hippies eran buenos, pero que se han degenerado al pintarrajearse sicodélicamente, drogarse y al hacerse adictos al amor libre. El agente secreto Frank investiga a un tal Sandy cuya hija a desaparecido, al parecer por culpa de los hippies.