Exhiben joyas valoradas en 8 millones de dólares en un lujoso hotel de Roma. A las órdenes de un falso camarero, unos ladrones adormecen a los clientes y huyen con el enorme botín.
Exhiben joyas valoradas en 8 millones de dólares en un lujoso hotel de Roma. A las órdenes de un falso camarero, unos ladrones adormecen a los clientes y huyen con el enorme botín.
El sheriff Mitchell intenta, con su ayudante Doc, salvar a Powell del linchamiento provocado por la gente de Morán, cacique de Danger pass. Consigue sacar de la prisión a Powell, pero es traicionado por Doc. En la refriega muere un hijo de Morán, y éste, lleno de ira, mata al sheriff y a su mujer delante de su hija para, de esta forma, perdonar la vida de Alex, el hijo mayor que está escondido, y la de su hermanita, que se la llevan con ellos. Pasados doce años, Alex, ya hombre, abandona a su familia adoptiva para cumplir la venganza pensada desde aquel día.
Having been assigned by his publisher to write a biography of Omar Sivori, the great footballer, Ugo Sanfelice heads for Torino. Given he is not very knowledgeable about soccer, Ugo tries -several times but in vain - to obtain an appointment from Sivori. Forced to fall back upon persons being or having been in contact with the elusive star, he gets to know young forward-center Moretti and soon becomes friendly with him. The young man confides in him and tells him the whole truth about his own "career" : the training in a small provincial team, the promising debut alongside Sivori, the desertion of his fiancée, the premature decline due to a dissolute life. When Sanfelice finally meets Sivori, he finds that the star is no match - humanely at least - for Moretti and he gives up writing the book at all.
Having been assigned by his publisher to write a biography of Omar Sivori, the great footballer, Ugo Sanfelice heads for Torino. Given he is not very knowledgeable about soccer, Ugo tries -several times but in vain - to obtain an appointment from Sivori. Forced to fall back upon persons being or having been in contact with the elusive star, he gets to know young forward-center Moretti and soon becomes friendly with him. The young man confides in him and tells him the whole truth about his own "career" : the training in a small provincial team, the promising debut alongside Sivori, the desertion of his fiancée, the premature decline due to a dissolute life. When Sanfelice finally meets Sivori, he finds that the star is no match - humanely at least - for Moretti and he gives up writing the book at all.
A film made up of a series of eight episodes.
A film made up of a series of eight episodes.
Film starring Roberto Bisacco, Paolo Graziosi and Maria Virginia Onorato
Film starring Roberto Bisacco, Paolo Graziosi and Maria Virginia Onorato
Film starring Roberto Bisacco, Paolo Graziosi and Maria Virginia Onorato
Second Assistant Director
Un barón siciliano, después de doce años casado con Rosalia, se ha enamorado locamente de Angela, su sobrina, una linda joven de dieciséis años. Cuando descubre que Angela le corresponde, empieza a pensar en el método más seguro para deshacerse de su mujer. Decide entonces inducirla a la infidelidad y después matarla. En aquella época, las leyes italianas castigaban los llamados "delitos de honor" con penas mínimas. Como Rosalia es una mujer decente, el plan no funciona, hasta que regresa al pueblo Carmelino, un antiguo admirador suyo.