We the Parents, a feature documentary film, follows the people and events surrounding the first ever school transformation under California's 'Parent Trigger' law. Parents, with the help of the non-profit group Parent Revolution, gather signatures from over 51% of the families at McKinley Elementary School in Compton, CA. When their petitions are turned in to the district, demanding that a charter school take over McKinley, the controversy begins. Everyday people, who simply want a better life for their children, suddenly find themselves doing extraordinary things: appearing on television, speaking at press conferences, lobbying in the state capital, and becoming community leaders. On their journey they inspire a national movement and discover that education is a political beast.
We the Parents, a feature documentary film, follows the people and events surrounding the first ever school transformation under California's 'Parent Trigger' law. Parents, with the help of the non-profit group Parent Revolution, gather signatures from over 51% of the families at McKinley Elementary School in Compton, CA. When their petitions are turned in to the district, demanding that a charter school take over McKinley, the controversy begins. Everyday people, who simply want a better life for their children, suddenly find themselves doing extraordinary things: appearing on television, speaking at press conferences, lobbying in the state capital, and becoming community leaders. On their journey they inspire a national movement and discover that education is a political beast.
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De camino para visitar a sus familiares y poder pasar el día de Nochebuena junto a ellos, Frank Harrington lleva a su familia por un atajo a través de un bosque, pero lo que en un principio iba a ser una buena idea acaba convirtiéndose en el mayor error de su vida. Aterrorizados, los Harrington tendrán un objetivo, abandonar cuanto antes la carretera por la que optaron en un principio.