The Booze Cruise is a series of three feature length comedy dramas written for British television by Paul Minett and Brian Leveson. In this episode the same characters go on a treasure hunt, and end up with their car being washed out to sea on a beach. Marcus (a businessman who deals with Dave's company) first appears in this episode.
A group of men from Kent; Clive (Martin Clunes), Rob (Neil Pearson), Dave (Mark Benton), Maurice (Brian Murphy) and Daniel (Ben Whishaw) - go on a booze cruise to France, with mixed success and many mishaps along the way. Events involving their wives and families back home also form a large part of the plot.
Bob (Bruce Jones), trabajador en paro, vive con su mujer Anne (Julie Brown) y su hija Coleen (Gemma Phoenix) en un barrio pobre del norte de Inglaterra. Aunque su situación económica es muy precaria, fiel a las tradiciones católicas, hará lo que sea necesario para que su hija lleve un bonito vestido el día de su Primera Comunión.