Zouzou Hamdy ElHakim


Alexandria… Why?
Amid the poverty, death, and suffering caused by World War II, 18-year-old Yehia, retreats into a private world of fantasy and longing. Obsessed with Hollywood, he dreams of one-day studying filmmaking in America, but after falling in love and discovering the lies of European occupation, Yehia profoundly reevaluates his identity and allegiances.
La momia
Wannis' mother
La momia está basada en hechos reales. En 1881 aparecen en el mercado una serie de objetos procedentes de la dinastía Tanita. Se descubre que la tribu de los Horabat había saqueado en secreto las tumbas de los faraones de Tebas (hoy Luxor). La Escuela de Arqueología de El Cairo encontró las tumbas en un lugar recóndito del Valle de los Reyes. A través de esta película, el realizador Shadi Abd al-Salam plantea importantes cuestiones acerca de la relación entre pasado y presente, las creencias y la profanación, la muerte.
The House of Female Students
أبلة نعيمة - مدير بيت الطالبات
Three college girls come from the countryside to pursue different dreams, but they go on different paths and encounter many problems and challenges that irk them.
A Widow with Three Daughters
When Mafouz dies, his partner Diab seizes his share, which leaves Mahfouz's family living in poverty. Gawdat, Zahra's fiancé, sleeps with her after she surrenders in the hope that they will get married quickly, but his mother forces him to leave Zahra after their financial situation deteriorates.
La espada del islam
وصيفة الملكة
Set in the 14th century. Under their leader Timur, the Tartar hordes invade the Middle East and take over areas as widespread as Persia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Syria. A lowly woman from a harem (Lubna Aziz) rises to lead the Egyptians against the invaders.
Ismail Yassine Yukabel Raya Wa Sekina
A young man discovers that his fiancée goes to a gang that kills women and steals their jewelry. He gets scared and calls the police after he accidentally goes to their house.
Raya and Sakina
Dramatic rendition of a real life crime wave that terrorized the city of Alexandria, Egypt, between the years 1920 and 1922. Women are disappearing without a trace in what looked like the work of a serial killer. Being Egypt's first ever case of serial killings, the police is relentless and assigns the case to their best inspector. He traces the leads to sisters Raya and Sekina, but it becomes a race against time before they kill again.
Angels in Hell
As a father doubts his paternity to his daughter, he leaves her as she falls prey to a pickpocketing gang. Years pass by, and the father confirms that she is his daughter, but she runs away just as he tries to get her back.