Fernando Bacilio

Fernando Bacilio


Fernando Bacilio


La Pampa
Película rodada en Pucallpa sobre la minería ilegal y lo que trae consigo: la trata de personas.
Un mundo para Julius
Julius es un niño de clase alta en la Lima de los años 50 que empieza a conocer desigualdades dentro de su palacio y sufre la muerte de su padre.
Entre estos árboles que he inventado
Mel is a photographer who preferably takes pictures of trees, used hotel rooms after sexual encounters and the streets of her hometown Trujillo. After her mother dies, she learns about a large debt she has left her. In an exhibition about her city, which she has organized with some colleagues, her picture catches the attention of a woman whom Mel has already come across in her photographic expeditions on the streets. They develop a special connection while accompanying each other through their days, wandering in a black and white Trujillo.
En medio del laberinto
Renzo, un skater de 17 años busca aprender junto a su amigo Pablo un nuevo truco para grabar un video de skate. Una tarde, Renzo conoce a Zoe, una chica obsesionada con el dibujo y las antenas telefónicas. La relación se estrecha cuando Renzo intenta enseñarle a patinar al mismo que sus sentimientos se van haciendo tan confusos como el laberinto de antenas de la ciudad que su nueva amiga le ha hecho descubrir
Un antiguo y poderoso ser de la selva, que lleva encerrado más de treinta años dentro del pabellón de un hospital, ha sido liberado. Ahora buscará poseer los cuerpos de quienes encuentre en su camino. Una joven es poseída y desatará el terror en el lugar. Su madre, una doctora escéptica, intentará luchar para entender lo que está pasando y salvar a su hija de esta pesadilla.
En lo más profundo de la selva del Perú se esconde un secreto dónde el misterio y el thriller convergen.
El mudo
Constantino Zegarra
Among the hodge-podge of Peruvian government officials, there is a man named Constantino Zegarra. He doesn’t fit anywhere and looks down on his colleagues because he has never succumbed to an act of corruption and, every time he has had the opportunity to do so, he has made an effort to impede it. Over his two decades as a government official he has cultivated purity - the fuel for his soul. Now forty, this solitary soldier is a married man and father to a teenage girl who never stops reading and thinks her father is wrong. He doesn’t care what his wife and daughter think. Constantino has taken his principles to the extreme in order to prove to himself that he isnot like his father, a man who ended his days in poverty because of corruption. One morning, Constantino leaves his house and a stray bullet goes through his throat. He doesn’t die but becomes mute. After his recovery, the only thing of which he is certain is that someone from his office tried to kill him.