Dmitry Brauer

Dmitry Brauer


Dmitry Brauer


La Última Línea de Defensa
La historia de la heroica posición de los cadetes de Podolsk frente a Moscú en octubre de 1941. Los cadetes fueron enviados a la línea Ilyinsky, luchando junto a unidades del 43o Ejército soviético para retener el avance alemán hasta que llegaron los refuerzos. Desesperadamente superados en número, los jóvenes entregaron sus vidas en una batalla que duró casi dos semanas para obstruir a las fuerzas alemanas muy superiores avanzando hacia Moscú. Alrededor de 3.500 cadetes y sus comandantes fueron enviados para detener la última línea de defensa fuera de Moscú. La mayoría de ellos permanecieron allí por la eternidad.
Sin perdón
Rossier, lawyer
Basado en hechos reales y trágicos en la vida de Vitaly Kaloyev, arquitecto y hombre de familia. En 2002, su esposa e hijos mueren en una colisión en el aire junto con otras 70 personas, en su mayoría niños. Vitaly es una de las primeras personas en descubrir los cuerpos de su familia en el lugar del accidente. Se culpa a la empresa responsable de monitorear el espacio aéreo, así como al único controlador de tráfico aéreo que estaba de servicio en ese momento. Dos años más tarde, después de muchos esfuerzos obstruidos para obtener disculpas y respuestas, Vitaly vuela a Suiza para obtener justicia.
Pure Art
Pretty Sasha finds herself in a whirlpool of intrigue and criminal games after her lover, a talented painter, is murdered. Chased on one side by brutal criminals who don't leave witnesses, and on the other by the cops who consider her the #1 suspect, Sasha is forced to act alone to solve the mystery of her lover’s death and keep herself alive and free at the same time. Gradually she unravels the tangle of mysteries and deceptions, only to learn that her lover was forging paintings which had been sold for millions of dollars, and no-one really is who they say they are.
Friends from France
1979: Cousins Carole and Jérôme go on an organized trip to Odessa, behind the Iron Curtain. During the day, posing as tourists celebrating their engagement, they visit monuments and museums. In the evening they slip away from the group and meet “refuseniks”, Jews persecuted by the Soviet regime for wanting to leave the country. While Carole is motivated by political commitment and a taste for risk, Jérôme’s motivation is Carole.
Joseph is in his mid-sixties and has just lost his beloved wife. Everything in his big old mansion reminds him painfully of the years they spent together. One day several visitors turn up unexpectedly. They seem to be relatives of his deceased wife. In the beginning, the uninvited guests treat Joseph with loving care, but bit by bit the situation begins to change. The visitors slowly, almost unnoticably, become aggressive, even hostile, invaders. They try to get rid of Joseph and take over his house, his world, his thoughts. Is this just the paranoia of an old man or really a ruthless invasion?
The girl and death
Customs Officer
Narra la vida de un doctor ruso llamado Nicolai, quien después de un tiempo vuelve a un viejo burdel, donde conoció a una cortesana llamada Elise. Nicolai revive su historia de amor y el pasado y el presente encajan.
Arne Dahl: The Europe Blues
Schilf - Alles was denkbar ist existiert
Russian Truck Driver
Sebastian (Mark Waschke) is a physics professor at the University of Jena and dealing for years with parallel universes. Meticulously, he tries to prove its existence scientifically. His college friend Oskar (Stipe Erceg), professor of theoretical physics at CERN in Geneva, smiles at Sebastian's firm belief in parallel universes and the many-worlds theory. In order to devote himself to the evidence in peace, Sebastian brings his son Nick to a summer camp, while his wife Maike (Bernadette Heerwagen) is on vacation in the mountains. At a rest stop Nick disappears out of the car and so for Sebastian a nightmare begins. Increasingly he is loosing more and more control. What really happened? It is fatal to his own theory? And who is this mysterious Schilf, which occurs abruptly in Sebastian's life?
Nataschas Tanz
Russischer Offizier